Reference no: EM132170400
As commander-in-chief, the president retains the ability to commit troops to action and maintain them in theater for up to 90 days without need for Congressional authorization.
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the "war" on terror.
This assignment will provide students an opportunity to investigate the arguments in support and in opposition to military involvement, evaluate Americans' levels of support for the conflicts, and describe the global impact of this military intervention.
In this writing assignment, students will need to:
• Outline the president's justification for military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, students should identify another government official who supported military intervention and their reasons for doing so.
• Identify two government officials who disagreed with military intervention and their reasons for opposition.
• Explain the impact of U.S. military intervention domestically. Questions that should be answered in addressing this section include: Did the American public support intervention? Did the level of support change over time? Did these opinions result in any electoral shifts?
• Describe the impact of U.S. military intervention on other countries. Did the U.S. receive international support for our military intervention? Why or why not? Did our military intervention lead to regime changes? Describe them. What has been the impact of those regime changes?
Paper requirements:
• Paper must be at least 3 pages and no more than 4 pages, double-spaced with 1 inch margins
• Font must be Times New Roman and 12 point
• Students must use MLA or APA format
• Students must have at least two peer-reviewed or scholarly journal articles, one for each argument they present with in-text citations and a works cited or references page at the end of the paper (the citation page is not included in the page minimum or maximum).
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: After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the "war" on terror.
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