Identify two different welfare services for children

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Reference no: EM133653113

ASSESSMENT : Open Book Test

Question 1 Go to the Sex Discrimination part of the AHRC Website found at About Sex Discrimination | Australian Human Rights Commission

a) Identify two changes that need to be achieved for women to achieve gender equality

b) Identify a service, policy or law that is designed to address each of the two problems you identified in 1a.

Question 2 Go to the AHRC Website found at Home | Australian Human Rights Commission Scroll down and click on the Children's Rights link. Look through the information provided in the relevant AHRC web pages and find the link to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

a) Drawing from the CRC, list eight special rights that apply to children.

b) Identify two different welfare services for children and explain what these services do to promote and protect two or more of the rights you have just listed in 2a.

Question 3 Go to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Website found at Home | Australian Human Rights Commission Scroll down and click on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice link. Look through the information provided in the relevant AHRC web pages and identify the four fundamental rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples identified in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). What are these four fundamental rights?

Question 4 Identify a service, policy or law that is designed to address two issues concerning only Indigenous population in Australia.

Question 5 Go to the AHRC Website found at Home | Australian Human Rights Commission Scroll down and click on the Disability Rights link. Look through the information provided.

a) In your own words (you must paraphrase), what is the purpose of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)? Provide 2 - 4 sentences to answer this question.

b) Identify two different welfare services for people with disabilities and explain what these services do to promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities. Provide 2 - 4 sentences to answer this question.

Question 6 According to the lecture 3 readings: How are human rights protected in Australia?

Question 7 Most people draw on the welfare state at some time in their lives. Identify five ways an average person might draw on the welfare state at some critical time in their life?

Question 8 What is welfare? What makes Australia a welfare state?

Minimum of 4 sentences required.

Question 9 List 2 vulnerable groups and what are the main causes for someone belonging to the vulnerable group.

Question 10. What are the main consequences of belonging to vulnerable group.

- You may use but are not expected to use references.
- If you do take information from a source (e.g., a book, journal article, website, class lecture) you MUST reference (using APA 7) that source.

Reference no: EM133653113

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