Identify two activities that you may be able to do with alex

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Reference no: EM133551166

Provide individualised support


If you are having difficulty answering these questions please contact your trainer or HANMAC. All questions in this assessment portfolio must be answered.

PART 1 - Provide individualised support

Care and support plans are the key to understanding the client's needs and preferences. When providing person centered care it is essential that you follow the plan closely to provide the client with a quality experience and to ensure the health and safety of all stakeholders

Assessment activity 1

Marietta is a client who has low level needs. You visit her fortnightly to provide domestic assistance. Often when you arrive Marietta asks you to do extra duties, some of which include personal care tasks. She is aware of the content of her support plan as it has been negotiated with her however, she denies any knowledge of this continuously. Today when you arrive she is in the shower and asks you to assist her to wash her hair as she says she hasn't done so for a month.

1 How do you know what you are able to do within your job role?

2 What is your response when Marietta asks you to assist with washing her hair?

3 Who would you report this continued behaviour to and what assistance would you seek?

4 What role does case conferencing play in the ongoing care and support of the client?

Marietta becomes distressed that you are unable to provide the supports that she feels that she needs. She states that she does not trust the service that you work for to provide her with the services that she needs.

5. How would you go about reinstating the trust base that should exist between Marietta and your service?

6. Outline the discussion that you would have with Marietta to ensure that she understands her rights including her right to complain.

7. Make an entry in the following progress notes to support this scenario

8. The following health support plan reflects the client needs - Read it and answer the following questions

a. Alex is due to be admitted for respite today. He is happy and says goodbye to his grandparents without incident. Alex has a room close to the staff station which he makes clear he is not happy about. You decide that he would be better in a spare room further away from the noise. What process needs to be followed to ensure that the best outcome for Alex is achieved?
b. The proposed review date on the health support plan is yearly. Considering that Alex comes in and out of the service on respite how often should the care plan be reviewed?
c. What responsibility do you have when care and support is different to that outlined in the plan?
d. Name two documents that you must have access to during Alex's admissions and your home
e. Identify two activities that you may be able to do with Alex that recognise his strengths
f. Identify how you would support Alex to maintain his current level of independence and skill
g. Alex‘s grandparents are coming for a visit. He seems anxious and starts to pace about. Hew would you reassure him?
h. Alex*s grandparents are questioning him tirelessly about what he has been doing during his respite. He is becoming agitated and so they ask you. You see from Alex's agitated state and his body language that he does not wish to answer them. What do you do?

A new client Maria arrived at the service two days ago. She has a habit of interrupting other conversation and taking over. Maria has begun to speak on Alex's behalf.
i. What impact might this have on Alex's rights?
j. What obligation do you have in this situation?

Assessment activity 2

Jeanetta is a 67 year old woman with oesteo anhritis. She has been' assessed by the supervisor who has completed a short care plan to "get you through" this visit. The information is very scant and is not much use at all. You call a colleague who states that "workers often have to work without clear instruction.

1. How would you identify care that was appropriate to Jeanetta's needs and preferences using the information contained in the scant notes?

2. Jeanetta shares with you that she doesn't have a lot of faith in the service after the supervisors "quick visit". She says that the supervisor appeared disinterested and rushed and now you have arrived without the information to 'provide her with the care and support that she needs. What would you do?

Jeanetta shares with you that her daughter is trying to convince her to go to a home but she cannot understand why as she feels capable of supporting herself. From the conversation that you have had you realize that Jeanetta has, on a number of occasions, had people knocking on her door and running away when she answers the door and throwing rocks on her roof. you that although she is, at times, scared she has lived 'in this house for 55 years and will not leave it "unless in a box".

3. Outline your responsibilities, considering duty of care and dignity of risk.

4. Document the above scenario including your response.

5. Where would you store these documents?

Assessment activity 3

Below you will find a care plan for JaneIIe Smith. Janelle Is a resident in high care who requires assistance with her Activities of daily living (A.D.L's) and support with other aspects of her life. Read the care plan and answer the following questions.

1. "Identify three care interventions that Janelle requires for her A.D.L's
2 Identify three people who are involved in communications regarding Janelle's care.
3. List three pieces of equipment that you would need to undertake Janelle's personal care
4. Who would you discuss any change in Janell's ability to complete tasks and participate according to the care plan?
5. What role does case conferencing play in Janelle's care?
6. Outline where Janelle's personal information includin8 her care plan can be stored.
7. Identify one way that you would ensure that Janelle was able to maintain her skills and / or develop other skills.

Assessment activity 4
1. Define the following terms


Person centred care
Strengths based practice
Documentation rule/ motto
Policy and procedure
Exception reporting
Duty of care
Dignity of risk
Disclosure of confidential information
Privacy and confidentiality
Rights and responsibilities
Mandatory reporting
Scope of practice
Choice and preference
Risk management
Models of service
Palliative model
Social model of disability
Medical model
Community model

PART 2 - CHCCCS023 - Support independence and wellbeing

Assessment activity 1

Jim lives alone in a busy street in a major city. He has home support twice a week and is always clean and well dressed, but at times his clothes are unironed. He is a war veteran and a loner, although he has at times said how he would like some other male company. He smokes, is a diabetic, has a po diet, wears glasses, has good hearing and walks everywhere as he does not drive. He lives on an acre of land that developers have been after for some time. He has in the past had a thriving vegetable garden, however has "let it go" as he "can't be bothered" any more. His living conditions are less than ideal for his circumstances. His "humpy" has corrugated and uniined walls, torn lino flooring on the floor and his bed sheets look like they have never been changed. His bathroom has black mold between the tiles, however the kitchen is always clean and tidy and you have never witnessed any vermin. There is no lingering smell except for a stale odour that persists as he never has the doors or windows open.

On several occasions when you have been at Jim's house you have noticed some beautifully carved woodwork and numerous wooden toys which Jim says he used to make for the local Christmas Appeal Toy Run. He has told you in the past that his father was a wood carver and sold items to feed the family during the depression, his father shared his skill with Jim when he was a boy. Jim likes to reminisce about his childhood and how much the city has changed since he lived in this house with his mother and father prior to their death. Jim has two siblings who now live interstate and do not visit.

Around ANZAC day Jim will mention his war service but always adds that he has tried to put it out of his head as the memories of his "fallen" mates are painful. Jim has shared that he used to be a devout catholic but does not have much time for religion now since his war service

You enjoy working with Jim as he is a quiet and gentle man but you do have some concerns about the way that he lives.

1. Outline two ways that you could work with Jim to identify and build on his strengths

2. There have been discussions at your service regarding Jim's capability of living alone on an ongoing basis. Outline what you might include in a conversation with your supervisor to ensure that Jim's preference to stay at home is recognised.

You have considered the services discussions regarding Jim's ongoing housing options and decide that if you could assist him to grow some produce and clean up his house a little, including his bedsheets being changed and the lino flooring being replaced, the supervisor may look more favorably at him staying in his own home. You decide that you will go out buy some new sheets and bedding, contact the local home maintenance service to fix the lino flooring, buy some grout cleaner and contact the local RSL to come and pay Jim a visit. When you get to Jim's house he is furious and no longer wants your service. You explain to him that you were "just trying to help" and he responds that you are a "judgmental fool".

3. Why do you think this could be?

4. How could you have handled this situation better?

5. While you are discussing these changes with Jim he identifies that he cannot afford any changes to the way that he lives as he gives all of his spare money from his pension to a friend "down the road". He confides that this friend likes to travel and as Jim is a loner, and does not have the confidence to travel, the friend shares his travel stories in exchange far Jim providing financial assistance to fund his trips. Jim says that this is becoming a financial burden as the cost of living
has increased and he understands his house could do with some repairs but that when he tried to tell his friend that he could no longer afford to assist the friend became abusive, telling Jim that he was mean and that he would be compromising his friend's enjoyment of life. What do you feel is happening in this situation? What would you do about it?

6. Do you require Jim*s permission to take this action? Why?

7. Now that Jim has a IittIe more spending ability, outline and prioritise a pIan that you might make with him to assist him to live at home for longer and maintain his health and wellbeing identifying under the area of his care and support thls will impact on.

8. Why is It important to consider Jims sense of self actualization in this scenario

9. Outline how each of these basic human needs support human development and well being:

Assessment activity 2

Read the following short case study, considering the client's circumstances make notes on the potential impact on Mrs McGinty's health and recreational activities. Include how you might promote Mrs McGinty's good health and assist her to participate in her new surroundings.
Mrs McGinty is eighty five years old and comes originally from a small village in southern Ireland. She has lived in Scotland for most of her adult life and brought up her children there. She still however considers herself Irish and enjoys telling old Irish folk tales. She is a well known member of the local Irish folk society which is based in her local church. She is a widow and has two daughters although both live a considerable distance away and have families of their own. Over the past three years or so Mrs McGinty*s health has deteriorated since she has been diagnosed with arthritis, memory loss and heart failure. She is no longer as independent as she would like to be and her doctor has advised her that she should consider going into residential care as she is becoming frailer and it is unsafe to be in her own home without more support.

Mrs McGinty is not keen to go into residential care as the only available place is in a home some distance away from her local area.

1. Considering the notes that you have made describe the impact that the changes in Mrs McGinty's circumstances may have on her cultural and spiritual health and wellbeing. Identify 3 ways in which you may be able to assist Mrs McGinty to support and promote her health and wellbeing, participation and independence including any assistance that you might provide to her. Include any referral that you might consider making to other agencies. Who is responsible for this referral and monitoring?

2. Why is it: important to consider both Mrs McGinty's preference ongoing health status and the organisations policy and procedure when planning activities?.

Assessment activity 3

You are a carer assisting Sally who is an older person living alone in the community. Sally is supported daily by her carer. Sally has a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease which causes her to shake, respond slowly and walk with' a shuffle, the shuffle often becomes slower when she is feeling tired or unwell. She has periods of feeling hopeless and worthless as she cannot continue to keep up her independence. This in turn makes her depressed and withdrawn. You arrive to provide care to Sally according to your Home Care roster which includes personal care and domestic assistance
1. Outline the tare and support that you might provide to Sally to assist her to remain healthy

2. How do you determine the scope of your skills and knowledge in order to comply with your job role?

3. Outline changes in Sally's physical condition that you might report to your supervisor.

4. How can you identify the potential for Sally to feel down and put in place interventions to assist her to maintain her sense of worth?

Assessment activity 4
Jack is living alone after the death of his wife of fifty-five years, Alma. Jack and Alma have been living on the aged pension, assisting each other and managing well, however since Alma's death Jack has given up cooking and now buys take away that is soft and easy to chew as he is having trouble with two of his teeth being sensitive when chewing. This leaves him with little money to pay his bills and make ends meet. Due to his lack of money he is hesitant to use the heating in winter, buys the bare necessities to "get him through" and, as he does not drive or have spare money for the bus, he stays at home most of the time except when he has appointments or needs to buy his essential items. He is withdrawn and potters in his garden or reads for most of the day.

1. Describe what impact Jack's circumstances may have on his emotional and psychological well being.

2. What strategies might you use to support and encourage Jack to achieve maximum emotional well being and promote his self esteem and confidence? Who would you discuss these issues with?

3. Why is empowerment important in the consideration of strengths based practice when working with clients?

4. Outline information that you would give to Jack to assist him to improve his health and wellbeing.

5. Outline what you understand to be the signs of the following types of abuse

Considering the case study about Jack above, answer the following:

6. Identify aspects of Jack's care that you believe would be outside the scope of your knowledge, skills or job role and identify the referral process that you would utilise to seek support.

7. Identify the kinds of variations in Jacks emotional wellbeing that you might report to the supervisor.

Jack's neighbour has been present for your visits for the past few weeks. You notice that Jack is less open to talking while the neighbor is around and the neighbour will not leave you alone with Jack. You suspect through his behaviour changes and other signs that Jack may be being abused.

8. Outline three types of abuse that may be occurring, including what indicators you may be aware of or that might lead to you being suspicious. Outline the organisational protocols that you would follow to make a report regarding your suspicions and indicate who you would report to.

Assessment activity 5

You are working with a client who is unmarried, they always cleaned their own home attended to their shopping and fended for themselves. The client has developed arthritis and can no longer attend to the cleaning and cooking They have some use of their hands but have low strength and some gnarling of the fingers due to the arthritis.
You notice that they are having increasing difficulty with the simplest tasks of maintaining their environment and personal care.
1 Discuss how you might encourage and assist your client to maintain their environment.
2. Why is it important for your client to feel comfortable and secure in his environment
3. Identify aids that may be of assistance to promoting the clients comfort and security.
4. Who would you report changes in the client's condition to and how would you report it?
5. What do you understand by the term "expression of personal sexuality and 'personal identity"?'
6. How might a client's circumstances impact on their expression of identity and sexuality?

Recently in the newspaper there was an article about Norma aged 73 and Bili aged 81getting married and starting their new life together. They both have families, Norma has 3 children and 7 grandchildren and Bill has 2 children and 5 grandchildren. The newlyweds are moving into Bill's house to start their new life together.
7. Considering the myths and stereotypes that exist about older people forming relationships, having sex and sharing assets in their older age. Identify three myths of ageing or disability that might relate to this scenario and outline how community and family values, attitudes and stigma might impact on Norma and Bill? How would you ensure that your personal values and attitudes do not impact on the lifestyle choices of others?


The life story of Jack Reed

Jack Reed was born in an outstation on 14! January 1918. He moved with his family to a small country town where he completed his schooling up to grade 6. He had to help his parents by finding a job on a cattle station to earn extra money for the family. Jack was employed as a drover and was usually up early at4.00am in the morning to eat his breakfast. At times he was away from the family with his bullock team.
Later Jack met the love of his life, Marie who he married at 16 years of age. They had eight (8) daughters. When Jack retired he moved to the city because four (4) of his children live there. Jack‘s other children live in other states of Australia. Anne, Joan, Alice and Jean always visit Jack on a regular basis. They ensure that two visit during the week and the other two visits on the weekend. They all keep in close contact with Jack.
Jack enjoys social get together with his family and has a large family photo with his grandchildren and great, great grandchildren which he shows everyone who visits him. He is very proud of them all. He has 20 grandchildren, 40 great grandchildren and more. On his birthday most of the family get together to celebrate.

He had four (4) brothers (Henry, James, Vic, Bill) all younger than him who have passed away. He served in the army in Australia.
Both Jack and Marie lived in a retirement village until the death of Marie. Jack misses her very much but keeps himself busy by woodworking. Jack makes trucks and house hold items which he sells at the retirement village enabling him to make other pieces. Jack has used his woodworking skills to make two toy bullock teams which he is very proud of.
Jack has a photo of a bullock team hauling a load of huge logs near the town that he worked in. Jack is standing in the picture with other men at the age of 19. He proudly shows everyone the photo.
He volunteers at local fetes and sells wooden toys that he makes to raise money for under privileged children. He says that this keep him going. He does not attend church but attends special occasions such as Christmas and Easter services. He always provides a speech on ANZAC day functions as he is very proud to be part of the military service.
At fashion parades e.g. Melbourne Cup functions, the ladies ask if he could assist by being part of the day. He partners the ladies as they walk down the catwalk. Jack has a special bow tie and suit that he wears with pride.
Jack likes attending barbeques as it reminds him of his family get-togethers. He enjoys sausages and usually has a few beers while he chats with the other men. He is a very fun-loving character and likes to tell and listen to jokes. He tells many stories from his past.
In the retirement village he enjoyed attending happy hour, chatting to his mates and listening to country and western music. He enjoys a chat with anyone.
He receives the local newspaper and likes to read up on the local news. He enjoys football and cricket. He watches it on his large screen TV in his room and listens to the games on the radio as well.
He doesn't enjoy going on bus outings because he is very independent and likes to use his motorised buggy and shop himself. He recently had to hand in his drivers licence.
He enjoys old fashioned movies e.g. John Wayne and other western movies. Craft is special to him as -ie says he likes to keep active.
He likes to talk about the old days and tell stories of the past. He does not like playing the games Dingo and hoy but does like a get together with other men to talk about men related topics. 3ardening is interesting to him as he had fruit trees in Charters Towers and later in his home in -ownsville. He enjoys going to the club and having a beer.

1. Why is it important to understand the history of a person when maintaining their health and wellbeing and promoting their independence?

2. Why is it important that you are aware of your own values and biases, as well as community
attitudes and stereotypes when caring for clients?

3. Strengths based practice is an important aspect of care. Identify Jack's stren8ths and two activities that you might initiate to support them.

4. Why is it important for Jack to maintain his independence and manage his own level of service for as long as possible?

5. Identify how Jack identifies his sense of self including his sexuality

6. Identify three factors of Jacks story that support his spiritual and cultural and physical wellbeing

PART 3 - HLTAP001 Recognize healthy body systems

1. Describe the following body structures

2. Define the following terms.
Passive exercise
Active exercise
Provides protection from infection
Maintenance of body temperature occurs in the

Reference no: EM133551166

Questions Cloud

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Identify two activities that you may be able to do with alex : CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support - What is your response when Marietta asks you to assist with washing her hair?
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