Identify trends or any distinguishing factors in the data

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Reference no: EM133588755

Assignment: Victimology- Project Guidelines


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

1) Analyze how victimization data informs problem solving in criminal justice


You are a crime analyst who has been hired by Pete Costa, the police commissioner in the city of Mason, to analyze an area of crime and victimization data. For this task, you will use the following sources of data: Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Complaint Center, and the Polaris Project (which runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline). You will examine the data on rape/sexual assault, cybercrime, or human trafficking for the most recent year available. You will then present to the police commissioner a clear and sustainable plan to help reduce the risk of victimization. The plan will include the data examined, an explanation of how the data was collected, risk factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of crime analyzed in the data, how victimization data can be applied to address problems in the criminal justice system, and identification of a National Institute of Justice program that can address the crime data analyzed.


Using the provided scenario and the data for one of the crimes below (the same crime you chose in the Module Four assignment), create a written plan to reduce the risk of victimization for the crime selected.

1) Rape and sexual assault data (Click Crime Victimization for last year and then Full Report.)
2) Cybercrime data (Click IC3 Annual Report for last year.)
3) Human trafficking data

Include the following required elements:

Question I. Explain the data examined in relation to the crime you selected (150 to 200 words). Include the following in your description:

Question A. Identify the crime.

Question B. Describe the data.

Question C. Identify trends or any distinguishing factors in the data.

Question II. Explain how and why the data was collected (150 to 200 words). Include the following in your explanation:

Question A. Identify the data source.

Question B. Provide background information regarding the data source.

Question C. Explain how the data was collected (survey, questionnaire, and reported crime).

Question D. Explain why this data is collected.

Question III. Identify risk factors that may increase the likelihood of being a victim of the crime selected (100 to 150 words).

Question A. Determine who is most likely to be identified as a victim (people, businesses, or corporations) in that specific crime and the risk factors that may contribute to the victimization.

Question IV. Explain how victimization data is applied to address problems in the criminal justice system (200 to 250 words). Address the following in your explanation:

Question A. Identify problems related to the crime selected.

Question B. Provide an example that shows how the use of data for the crime selected can result in strategies to reduce the risk of victimization for that specific crime.

Question V. Identify a program or practice from the National Institute of Justice that can address crime data analyzed (150 to 200 words).

Question A. Select a program or practice deemed effective by the National Institute of Justice that addresses the crime selected.

Question B. Summarize the program or practice.

Question C. Explain how the program or practice may reduce the risk of victimization for the crime selected.

Reference no: EM133588755

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