Identify three key financial ratios

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133268970

Use a variety of analytical tools to monitor and improve business strategy

You will evaluate MidwayUSA as a business case. You are the director of the strategy and business intelligence for MidwayUSA. You are conducting an evaluation of MidwayUSA for an upcoming annual report. Your goal is to demonstrate skill and expertise in strategic analysis of the strategic position of MidwayUSA. You will be submitting this report to the other C-level executives for consideration. Third person.


  1. Provide background information about MidwayUSA, including the company name, the industry sector in which the company operates, products, and target market. Elaborate and use research.
  2. Introduce the concept of strategic analysis based on Figure 3.1 (pg. 49-50 in your textbook).
  3. Explain how the strategic analysis tools found in Chapter 3 of your textbook can help MidwayUSA build a future-oriented strategy.
  4. Explain the macro-environment, how to analyze the macro-environment, and its importance to strategy development. Use theories, principles, and concepts from various research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
  5. Conduct a PESTEL analysis and identify three strategically relevant factors per PESTEL component that may impact the long-term direction of MidwayUSA, including its strategic vision and mission, objectives, and business model (pages 50-53 in your textbook).
  6. After the PESTEL analysis table, explain what strategically relevant factors are most likely to have a higher impact and which are likely to have a lower impact on MidwayUSA's situation and business strategy (page 50 in your textbook).
  7. Explain the five forces framework and its value in diagnosing the competitive conditions in a company's industry (pages 53 & 68-69 in your textbook).
  8. Conduct an analysis using the five forces framework to diagnose the competitive conditions in MidwayUSA's industry.
    1. Analyze the rivalry among competing sellers of MidwayUSA
  9. Analyze the competitive pressures associated with the threat of new entrants (pages 57-62 in your textbook).
  10. Analyze the factors affecting competition from substitute products (pages 62-64 in your textbook).
  11. Analyze the factors affecting the bargaining power of suppliers (pages 64-66 in your textbook).
  12. Analyze the factors affecting the power of buyers (pages 66-68 in your textbook).


  1. Explain how the tools for analyzing the internal environment of an organization found in Chapter 4 of your textbook can help MidwayUSA to develop a competitive edge over rivals (page 87 in your textbook). Use theories, principles, and concepts from various additional research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
  2. Explain the components of a single-business company's strategy (pages 88-89 in your textbook).
  3. Identify three key financial ratios. Explain why they are strategically important and how MidwayUSA can use them to analyze its current situation for strategic planning purposes (pages 89-91 in your textbook).
  4. Explain the value of conducting a SWOT analysis to a company (pages 91-92 in your textbook).
  5. Conduct a SWOT analysis on MidwayUSA. Determine the company's strengths and weaknesses in relation to the market opportunities and threats (pages 91-95 in your textbook).
  6. Explain how the results of a SWOT analysis can be turned into strategic actions (page 95 in your textbook).
  7. Explain how value chain activities impact a company's cost structure and customer value proposition (pages 102-112 in your textbook).
  8. Explain how MidwayUSA's company resources and capabilities give it a competitive edge over rivals (pages 96-112 in your textbook).
  9. Explain what strategic issues and problems merit front-burner managerial attention for MidwayUSA (page 115 in your textbook).
  10. Analyze the results of your strategic analyses and explain MidwayUSA's competitive situation and how this information can assist managers in making critical decisions about their next strategic moves.

Reference no: EM133268970

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