Reference no: EM131561626
Unit II PowerPoint Presentation
Your company wants to put a ball-bearing factory in Africa. Your company predicts this is where the most growth will be in the 21st century. Your assignment is to research a country on the African continent that you think would be the most advantageous to your company in cultural, economic, and political environments.
Your assignment is to point out and explain the facts or statistics that you think would make this country a good place to build and staff your factory. Remember to keep the cultural, economic, and political environments in mind. Your presentation must include at least two facts or statistics that relate to each environmental area (cultural, economic, and political).
Feel free to use the suggested readings as a starting point for your research on sources of data about different countries in the world. You must use at least three authoritative sources, and you are required to use the CSU Online Library for at least one of your sources. Pull a minimum of two facts or statistics from each source that you use.
The Academic Search Complete database features information on countries through the CIA World Factbook.
The Business Source Complete database has a "Country Report" that can be selected in the Publication Type area. These reports by country can be 200-plus pages and are very in depth.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides. Be sure to use APA guidelines to cite and reference the sources for your facts.
Unit III Essay
For this assignment, write an essay that addresses each of the following points:
1. Choose five U.S. government policies that affect trade with foreign nations. Identify three factors of production, and describe how their mobility is good or bad for U.S. trade
2. Distinguish between absolute advantage and comparative advantage trade theories and give examples
3. Choose either the TPP or the T-TIP free trade agreement and describe which other countries have signed on and why the U.S. Senate should ratify or not ratify the agreement. Also, explain how regional trading groups influence
Your essay submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required.
Unit IV Assignment
For this assignment, you will practice calculating exchange rates and examine some of the key factors that have an impact on foreign exchange.
Unit VI Article Critique
Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article, which you can locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to international marketing.
In your critique, address the following questions:
What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?
What is your opinion of the article?
How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the lesson in this unit? (Some examples include the marketing mix, marketing orientation, and organizational structure.)
The critique should be a minimum of two pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required.
Unit VII Case Study
To read the case study below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Business Source Complete database found in the CSU Online Library.
Read the case study indicated below, and answer the following questions:
Marianne, J. L. (2010). Accounting for business combinations and the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: A case study. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 16(1), 95-108.
What key financial ratios will be affected by the adoption of FAS 141R and FAS 160? What will be the likely effect?
Could any of the recent and forthcoming changes affect the company's acquisition strategies and potentially its growth?
What were FASB's primary reasons for issuing FAS 141R and FAS 160?
What are qualifying SPEs? Do they exist under IFRS? What is the effect of FAS 166 eliminating the concept of
qualifying SPEs on the convergence of accounting standards?
If the company adopts IFRS, what changes should management be aware of?
What are the principle differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP?
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required.
Unit VIII Case Study
To read the case study below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Business Source Complete database found in the CSU Online Library.
Bodolica, V., & Waxi, M. (2007). Chicago food and beverage company: The challenges of managing international assignments. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 13(3), 31-42.
Please answer the following questions after reading the case study:
Which staffing framework do you recognize in this case study? Explain its characteristics and the advantages to using this type of framework?
Would this type of staffing framework affect Paul's ability to get things done? Why, or why not?
Explain if any of the other staffing frameworks would be any better? What can you recommend to the company's headquarters in this sense?
Why does Paul want this job? Is Paul a good candidate for this expatriate position?
What comments can you make on expatriate management in general? And what comments can you make on the
expatriate recruitment policy in particular?
What are the different expatriate compensation methods you recognized in the text? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different expatriate compensation methods?
What do you suggest to the U.S. headquarters' human resources manager in order to improve the expatriate satisfaction/compensation?
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required.