Identify three different examples of linguistic features

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133395376


Look at the following sentences excerpted from the instructions given to one criminal jury:

  • "...innocent misrecollection is not uncommon."
  • "An admission is a statement made by the defendant which does not by itself acknowledge his guilt of the crimes for which such defendant is on trial, but which statement tends to prove his guilt when considered with the rest of the evidence."
  • "All killing which is perpetrated by any kind of willful, deliberate and premeditated killing, with express malice aforethought is murder of the first degree."

Identify three different examples of linguistic features in these excerpts that could negatively affect jury comprehension. For each example:

  1. Name the linguistic feature as precisely as possible (e.g."passive construction" is acceptable, but saying "wording" would be imprecise and too general)
  2. Quote the specific words or phrases that illustrate the linguistic feature. (Use bracketing to indicate syntactic structure when needed)

Reference no: EM133395376

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