Identify thematic connections among the sources

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Reference no: EM132477046 , Length: word count:2000

Task: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation

Task Overview

This packet includes a set of stimulus materials for the AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation.

You must identify a research question prompted by analysis of the provided stimulus materials, gather information from a range of additional sources, develop and refine an argument, write and revise your argument, and create a presentation that you will be expected to defend. Your teacher will give you a deadline for when you need to submit your written argument and presentation media. Your teacher will also give you a date on which you will give your presentation.

In all written work, you must:

• Acknowledge, attribute, and/or cite sources using in-text citations, endnotes or footnotes, and/or through bibliographic entry. You must avoid plagiarizing (see the attached AP Capstone Policy on Plagiarism and Falsification or Fabrication of Information).
• Adhere to established conventions of grammar, usage, style, and mechanics.

Task Directions

Part 1. Individual Written Argument (2000 words)

> Read and analyze the provided stimulus materials to identify thematic connections among the sources and possible areas for inquiry.
> Compose a research question of your own prompted by analysis of the stimulus materials.
> Gather information from a range of additional sources representing a variety of perspectives, including scholarly work.
> Analyze, evaluate, and select evidence. Interpret the evidence to develop a well-reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective.

Throughout your research, continually revisit and refine your original research question to ensure that the evidence you gather addresses your purpose and focus.

Identify opposing or alternate views and consider their implications and/or limitations as you develop resolutions, conclusions, or solutions to your research question.

Compose a coherent, convincing and well-written argument in which you:

Identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among at least two of the stimulus materials prompted by your reading.

Incorporate at least one of the stimulus materials.

Place your research question in context.

Include a variety of perspectives.

Include evidence from a range of sources.

Establish an argument that links claims and evidence.
• Provide specific resolutions, conclusions and/or solutions.
• Evaluate objections, limitations or competing perspectives and arguments.

Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials, and include a list of works cited or a bibliography.

Use correct grammar and style.
Do a word count and keep under the 2000-word limit (excluding footnotes, bibliography, and text in figures or tables).

Part 2. Individual Multimedia Presentation

Develop and prepare a multimedia presentation that will convey your argument to an audience of your peers.

Be selective about the information you choose for your presentation by focusing on key points you want your audience to understand.

Design your oral presentation with supporting visual media, and consider audience, context, and purpose.

Prepare to engage your audience using appropriate strategies (e.g., eye contact, vocal variety, expressive gestures, movement).

Prepare notecards or an outline that you can quickly reference as you are speaking so that you can interact with supporting visuals and the audience.

Rehearse your presentation in order to refine your design and practice your delivery.

Check that you can do the presentation within the 6- to 8-minute time limit.

Deliver a 6-8 minute multimedia presentation in which you: Contextualize and identify the importance of your research question.
Explain the connection between your research and your analysis of the stimulus materials.
Deliver an argument that connects claims and evidence.
• Incorporate, synthesize and interpret evidence from various perspectives.
• Offer resolutions, conclusions, and/or solutions based on evidence and consider the implications of any suggested solutions.
Engage the audience with an effective and clearly organized presentation design.
Engage the audience with effective techniques of delivery and performance.

1. Reflection on Research Process

Q: What information did you need before you began your research, and how did that information shape your research?
Q: What evidence did you gather that you didn't use? Why did you choose not to use it?
Q: How valid and reliable are the sources you used? How do you know? Which sources didn't work?
Q: How did you select the strategies you used to gather information or conduct research? Were they effective?
Q: How did your research question evolve as you moved through the research process? Did your research go in a different direction than you originally planned/hypothesized?
Q: What information did you need that you weren't able to find or locate? How did you go about trying to find that information?
Q: How did you handle the differing perspectives in order to reach a conclusion?

2. Extending argumentation through effective questioning and inquiry
Q: What additional questions emerged from your research? Why are these questions important?
Q: What advice would you have for other researchers who consider this topic?
Q: What might be the real-world implications or consequences (influence on others' behaviors or decision-making processes) of your findings? What are the implications to your community?
Q: If you had more time, what additional research would you conduct related to this issue?
Q: Explain the level of certainty you have about your conclusion, solution, or recommendation.
Q: How does your conclusion respond to any of the other research or sources you examined?

Attachment:- Stimulus Packet Edited for ATHS.rar

Reference no: EM132477046

Questions Cloud

Why is it important for hr management to transform : Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor?
Potential impact of inaccurate data on decision making : What do you think is the potential impact of inaccurate data on decision making?
Determine what is jerrys income tax savings : Determine What is Jerry's income tax savings (rounded to the nearest dollar) for the first year if they organize the business as a partnership?
What are the biomedical informatics practice areas : What are the biomedical informatics practice areas that enable the informatics techniques and platforms? What roles do these areas play?
Identify thematic connections among the sources : Develop and prepare a multimedia presentation that will convey your argument to an audience of your peers and Design your oral presentation with supporting
Business process and a business function : Distinguish between a business process and a business function. Why is it important to take a process view of the organization?
How much of the second year losses can susan deduct : In its second year of operations, SAR lost an additional $14,000. How much of the second year's losses can Susan deduct in that year?
Characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws : Discuss some of the protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today's employment setting.
Making risk-and quality management decisions : Which information would you say is most overlooked when making risk-and quality management decisions?


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