Identify the zombie apocalypse as one of the emergencies

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133511477

Case Study: Title Page: Please follow the model on p. 362 in the Markel text for formatting this front page of the document. You are responsible for constructing an appropriate title for this particular proposal. This title does not need to match the title of the final project itself. In the Prepared For section, you should refer to me as Prof. Michael S. Geary, Associate Professor of English. In the Prepared By section, you should refer to yourself by first name, middle initial, and last name, followed by Student of (insert your field of study). The date needs to be the due date for this proposal. In addition, you will need to have a Running Head and page number consistent with APA guidelines. See p. 50 in the Publication Manual for reference.

Abstract: This will be the second page of the document. The abstract will be a 150 word summary of your proposal. It needs to be exactly 150 words: no more, no less. (I will count the words.) See Markel p. 363 and Publication Manual p. 50 for what this page should look like consistent with APA guidelines.

For the following sections of the report, please use the bolded text as your section headings. You do not need to begin a new page for each section.

Question 1: Introduction: This section begins on the third page of the document and needs to include the following:

1. The specific location that you intend to use as a shelter for the duration of the emergency

2. Identify the zombie apocalypse as one of the emergencies

3. Identify the specific second emergency for which the Guide can be used

4. Identify whether the guide will be used in advance of the emergencies or whether it will be used due to a quick onset of them with limited or no warning.

5. Identify your intended audience for the Guide.

Question 2: Discussion: This section needs to address the following:

1. Why the chosen location is appropriate considering the geographical area in which it is situated

2. Why the chosen location is appropriate for the two emergencies proposed

3. Why it makes sense to include the selected emergencies together in the same guide

4. Which of the two emergencies will be the primary focus and which will be the secondary focus

Reference no: EM133511477

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