Identify the word that best completes the sentence

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13739860

Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

Question 1: I didn't know ______ I was going to go to college, but I when I got the call from the Ashford representative and heard about all of the resources available. I knew that Ashford was the choice for me.

  • were
  • where

Question 2: Which of the following choices is a fragment (an incomplete sentence)?

  • Javier looked for his over-used Webster's Dictionary. Which happened to be under his dirty laundry. The laundry had been sitting out for over a week.
  • Javier looked for his over-used Webster's Dictionary.
  • Which happened to be under his dirty laundry.
  • The laundry had been sitting out for over a week.

Question 3: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

My assignment covered all of the prompt _______ the part that asked me to provide a real-life learning experience using the textbook definition as a guide for my thoughts.

  • accept
  • except

Question 4: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

In order to not lose points on discussion posts and written assignments, it's important to use correct punctuation and grammar. This includes beginning every sentence with a ______ letter and of course, always capitalizing the pronoun "I".

  • capital
  • capitol

Question 5: Which of the following choices is a fragment (an incomplete sentence)?

  • The teacher tapped the whiteboard demanding attention so that she could continue with her lesson. Her students ignored the signal. And continued talking in hushed voices with one another.
  • The teacher tapped the whiteboard demanding attention so that she could continue with her lesson.
  • Her students ignored the signal.
  • And continued talking in hushed voices with one another.

Question 6: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

I know that ______ is a better way to go about this. If I just step back, maybe I can use my Technical Reasoning to work my way toward a solution.

  • their
  • there

Question 7: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

If I _____ you, I would dedicate two hours a day to my studies and I would always try to submit my work one day ahead of schedule. That way, I'd overcome the tendency to procrastinate.

  • was
  • were

Question 8: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

When you consider ______ Learning Patterns and how they can help you complete tasks effectively and efficiently; you'll be more likely to experience positive results and less stress with each task that you take on.

  • your
  • you're

Question 9: Which of the following choices is a fragment (an incomplete sentence)?

Our professor was expecting the students to interact frequently with one another in the discussion forums. By posing questions, sharing personal experiences and validating classmate responses with evidence from the text. We are in Week 3 and students are finally beginning to respond with more than "Great job! I agree."

  • Our professor was expecting the students to interact frequently with one another in the discussion forums.
  • By posing content related questions, sharing personal experiences, and validating classmate responses with evidence from the text.
  • We are in Week 3 and students are finally beginning to respond with more than "Great job! I agree."

Question 10: Commonly confused or misused words: Identify the word that best completes the sentence.

I can tell that he scored high in Technical Reasoning. He's taken apart that computer and is examining all of _____ parts.

Reference no: EM13739860

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