Reference no: EM133288891
Question: Identify the thematic role of each NP in these sentences taken from The Venturesome Voyages of Captain Voss, by John Claus Voss, which is in the Public Domain in Canada.
Because I had found, from the day I first met Dempster on Cocos Island till he died, that he was a straightforward and reliable man, I have decided to place confidence in you. I now ask, can you and will you procure for me a vessel and fit her out properly, sail with me to Cocos Island and assist me to put the treasure on board and take it to Victoria?
The wind freshened considerably and hauled round to the west, at the same time throwing up a lively choppy sea, which made the little vessel jump about worse than a bucking horse.
All three ships under full sail passed Cape Flattery towards evening, shaping their courses toward the south-west with a fresh easterly breeze.
Are there any NPs for which the labels provided don't seem to quite fit? If so, feel free to propose another label that seems to describe the role of that participant in the event described by the sentence