Reference no: EM133495914
Assignment: Experimental Psychology- Hypotheses, Methods, Design
Things you need to have in place BEFORE you get started on Milestone 4
1. Research Question
2. Reasonable scope
3. Consideration of all potential constructs of interest
4. Ideas about participants and information about how they will be recruited
Hypotheses, Methods, and Design
A. Identify the targeted participants you aim to recruit
a. Include a rationale for why this population
b. Also include details for how you plan to recruit this population
B. Delineate all independent and dependent variables
a. Building on the constructs stated in Milestone 3, concretely define each variable
b. Choose and describe relevant measures and procedures for each variable
c. Include details about potential survey tools, behavioral measures, or experimental manipulations, where applicable
C. Write a paragraph describing and stating your hypotheses
a. Concretely state testable hypotheses
b. This should describe the precise relationship between all variables (independent, dependent, moderators, mediators, covariates, etc.)
D. Design a study that addresses the research question and tests the hypotheses
E. Describe the pattern of expected results (no need to make-up fake statistics though)
F. Using a scatterplot, bar chart, or another method, prepare a visualization of your hypothetical results.
Your Milestone 3 should contain the following headings
Note, you may deviate from these headings where appropriate and useful for your research question. These are just headings to help you get started.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Other Covariates and Demographic Variables
Write this according to the participants' perspective, except for where you need justify your methodological decisions.
Describe every single aspect of the participants' experience in order. Don't spare the details here and make reference to each measure you plan to assess.
If you're conducting an experiment describe how the variable was manipulated.
Describe the time course.
Hypotheses, Methods, Design
G. Identify the targeted participants you aim to recruit, with a rationale for why and details for how you would do this.
H. Write a paragraph describing and stating your hypotheses.
I. Choose and describe the relevant measures and procedure for all variables.
J. Design a study that addresses the research question and tests the hypotheses.