Reference no: EM131403595
Discussion 1
The Effective ELL Classroom
Read Chapter 13 and the article, "English Language Teacher Expertise: The Elephant in the Room." Then, research and locate a video of a classroom lesson on the Internet (please include the link). Critique the teacher's actions. Identify which ELL strategies the teacher used and analyze how well these strategies worked.
Guided Response: Select and respond to at least two classmates' posts. To write your responses, view the classmates' videos, and then evaluate your classmates' responses-Do you notice something different from your classmates? Does their analysis hold up? How does your analysis compare? Also, please respond to any Instructor questions.
Discussion 2
Non-Language Factors
Evaluate the importance of non-language factors in English second language acquisition. Which factor(s) seems most important to you in terms of instruction? Support your response with information from the text, course materials, and/or your own experiences.
Guided Response: Review and respond at least two of your classmates' posts. In your responses, pay special attention to the analysis of non-language factors. Does the analysis make sense? Could applying these ideas be successful in a classroom setting? How would you know? Also, please respond to any questions from the instructor.
Assignment: Comprehensible Input, Interaction, and Output
For this paper, you will develop a research-based classroom activity that addresses the relationships among comprehensible input, interaction, and output in English second language acquisition. The activity should focus on providing students with an opportunity to express language using comprehensible input strategies and peer interaction. For example, students could create a skit based on a weekly vocabulary word or word list, but must use comprehensible input strategies (including Total Physical Response) to help classmates understand the new vocabulary words. In addition to using at least two scholarly sources, be sure to use one multimedia source in creating your classroom activity.
Your paper should include the following:
1. Identify the target audience and standard(s) being addressed.
2. Analyze the relationships among comprehensible input, interaction, and output in English second language acquisition.
3. Describe in detail the activity including pre-teaching and formative assessment.
The paper should be two to three pages, not including the title and reference page, and formatted according the APA style. Use at least two scholarly references and multimedia resource.