Identify the steps in new product development

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697741

The Product Life Cycle


Identify the steps in new product development

Define the stages of the product life cycle

Assignment Overview

In this research paper assignment, you will pick two products and place them in the product life cycle.


A two-page (500-word) paper, double-spaced paper

Step 1 Pick one product that is available in the marketplace.

The product should be well-established (available for many years) from a well-established company.

Step 2 State where you believe the product lies in the product life cycle.

Be sure to clearly state how you came to this conclusion.

Step 3 Pick another product that failed in the marketplace.

This can be a product that recently failed or that failed a long time ago.

HINT: Start by typing "failed products" into your favorite search engine and see what comes up.

Describe where the product was in the product life cycle when it failed and speculate as to why it was not successful.

Speculate on what the company could have done differently that might have led the product not to fail.

Reference no: EM131697741

Questions Cloud

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Identify the steps in new product development : Identify the steps in new product development . Define the stages of the product life cycle.Pick one product that is available in the marketplace.
What would be the overall effect on operating income : If cherry jelly is processed further into the specialty cherry smoothie, what would be the overall effect on operating income
Evaluate the ethical behavior of manny : Evaluate the ethical behavior of Manny. Should Manny have called Todd in the first place? What if Todd had agreed to meet the lower bid price-would.
How would you attempt to address the given challenges : How would you attempt to address these challenges? As the owner, when is the best time to approach these challenges and why?
What would your diversity training look like : Discussion-Diversity and Age: What would your diversity training look like? Provide details on the time, format, and topics covered.


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