Reference no: EM132943283
BSBPMG521 Manage project integration
Activity 1A
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation.
Activity Identify all of the project initiation documentation you will require.
Project initiation document is the foundation for the business project where project is defined in detail so it can be access and measure the performance by the project board. A project initiation document may contain following things:
• Business plan
• Scope
• Resources needed and costs
• Timeline
• Estimated Budget
• Potential Risks
• Dependencies
Prepare and produce one of the following documents in accordance with organisation procedures, and attach to your work book:
» Concept proposal
» Feasibility study
» Project initiation document (PID)
Feasibility Study
This document provides a full review of this project proposal in terms of its realism and precision. The following table is required to correctly analyse the various variables and various factors involved in the project.
• Description of the project: What this project is about and how is it going to be achieved.
• Project objectives: Both purposes and goals
• Timeline: How each task is scheduled and how long will they be worked
• on.
• Estimated costs and budgeting
• Purpose
• Market analysis
• Required resources
• Proposed methodology
• Observations and
• Outcomes
Activity 1B
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to identify relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals.
Activity Identify and document the following in relation to your organisation:
» Market focus
» Mission statement
» Strategic plan
» Values and ethics
"Smart Watch"
A smartwatch is a wrist-worn smartphone that functions similarly to a smartphone. Many smartwatches are linked to a smartphone, which alerts the wearer to incoming calls, e-mail messages, and app notifications. Some smartwatches even can make phone calls.
» Market focus
Market Research- Regular smartwatch users from Australia will be the first possible Apple watch clients to target in this strategic marketing strategy report and the specific special features of the watches will focus on the highly technologically knowledgeful and easy to follow.
Target market- On a global level, the target audience will be split to determine growth in each sub-category, starting with young people and proceeding to middle-aged adults and families.
» Mission statement
To introduce a comprehensive range of digital watches that would appeal to people from all walks of life. The organization's objective is to develop a high-tech smart watch that is tailored to the demands of young people and has unique features and adaptability.
Its goal is to create a cost-effective product that appeals to people of all ages.
» Strategic plan
The development of a useful product that meets the needs of clients, as well as the establishment of a high demand in the industry. To build a market for the product and increase penetration, it will take at least four years. Problems will be recognised early in the operation.
» Values and ethics
The ethics and values apply to the following:
• Environmental considerations: The product will be released with environmental considerations in mind.
• The community: The organisation will fulfil its social obligation.
• Diversity: Depending on the product, there will be a wide range of options.
Identify and document how your project relates to each of these areas. If it does not, what amendments could be made to the project in order to do so?
In terms of Market Focus, Strategic Plan, and Business Mission, the project is extremely practicable. The company's plan has been determined to be appropriate in relation to these. However, there may be issues with sustainability, as the project may not contribute to the greatest possible assessment of environmental values. For this, the corporation must adhere to social responsibility and investigate the product's material dangers to ensure that no harm is done to the environment.
Activity 1C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits.
Activity Identify the stakeholders within your project with whom you will have to negotiate the project objectives, outcomes and benefits.
The stakeholders of the project are:
1. Project Governance
2. Steering Group
3. Shareholders
4. Investors
5. Creditors
6. Board of directors
What are your suggestions, and why, for project:
» Objectives
» Outcomes
» Benefits?
» Objectives
The main objective of the project is to create a digital smartwatch with unique features for customers. This product aids stakeholders and the community in the development of a high-tech, low-cost device. The organisation sets SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound.
» Outcomes
Because the company does not require any unique permissions to complete the project, the outcome is likely to be positive. In this circumstance, the project managers' actions are quite important.
» Benefits?
The project's benefits are categorised into two categories: hard and soft. The hard benefits come in the form of enhanced manufacturing procedures, which are a bonus for the project's success. In this regard, the organization's personnel's enhanced skills are critical. The soft rewards include the company's reputation and project funding, both of which are extremely beneficial.
How do these differ from those of your stakeholders?
Project managers can acquire enough knowledge to develop solid connections with stakeholders by doing a stakeholder analysis - regardless of their differences. A director of marketing, for example, will have different demands and goals than a chief information officer. As a result, the project manager's involvement with each will need to be unique.
No matter how casual or professional the communication, keep each stakeholder's expectations and needs in mind during each interaction, report, or email. Remember that the company's interests come first, whether they are yours or those of a stakeholder. If you must choose between the two, prioritise the company's needs.
Negotiate with your stakeholders to agree project objectives, outcomes and benefits and document the conclusion according to organisational policy. Attach a copy of the project objectives, outcomes, and benefits document to your workbook.
Negotiation with the shareholders will be done based on the project effectiveness and plans. A solution and bargain are essential for negotiation to agree on a project.
• Encouraging and inspiring a digital and future-oriented lifestyle
• Create things that flow naturally into people's lives.
• Making the switch from an analogue to a digital wearable consumer
Outcomes: The project's results will help to improve the company's reputation. Furthermore, once the product hits the market shelves, the unique product will begin to generate earnings.
• Enhanced and improved organisational collaboration
• Enhanced organisational awareness and attitudes within the organisation
• Enhancement of organisational skills and knowledge
• Catalyser for future organisational change
• Improved team funding image reputation of the organisation
• Enhancement of the organisational and project management image and reputation.
Activity 1D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to negotiate project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders.
Activity Document your preferred project governance structure in relation to all of the following aspects of the framework:
» Management system with designated personnel and their roles and responsibilities to include:
o boards
o committees
o working groups
o reference groups
o advisory groups, sponsors
o project managers
o project team members
o stakeholders
» Statements of roles for project management bodies and participants
» A decision-making framework which includes a code of ethics
» Identified authority levels assigned to groups and individuals
» A stakeholder management strategy
» A quality management strategy
» A project organisation chart that clearly defines the relationship between all persons involved in the project
» Procedures and criteria for reporting on project status and key performance indicators
» A monitoring and evaluation procedure for progress of project against project objectives
» Procedures for obtaining approvals for project activities
» Procedures for managing risks and uncertainties
» Procedures for managing change
» Issue-escalation procedures
» Conflict resolution models.
Negotiate project governance structure
Who are the relevant authorities and stakeholders with whom you must negotiate to agree upon the final project governance structure?
Following negotiations with relevant authorities and stakeholders, annotate your initial project governance structure with changes made and reasons for the changes.
Activity 1E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities.
Activity - Using the sample project charter template in activity 1E in chapter 1.5 of the unit, or using your organisation's own template, complete your project charter and attach a copy to your work book.
Activity 2A
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables.
Activity Complete a work breakdown structure that disaggregates your project objectives into achievable project deliverables.
"Smart Watch"
Breakdown Structure
Explain how each deliverable is related and relevant to the project objective.
Activity 2B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives.
Activity Using the tables in activity 2B of chapter 2.2, identify the key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives. Attach the documents to your work book.
Project Stages: This is commonly agreed that there are 5 phases in
entire project management as listed below:
1. Initiation Phase
2. Initial Planning and design
3. Execution Phase
4. Continuous monitoring and controlling phase
5. Completion phase
Initiation Stage
Generic Requirement Client Requirement Project Object Issues Agreed Outcome
Consolidation of PID
Feasible study
Assignation of project manager and team
Project scope
Project chapter
Planning and design
Generic Requirement
Client Requirement
Project Object Issues
Agreed Outcome
Review and revision of scope
Work breakdown structure
Organisational breakdown structure
Resource allocation
Project schedule
Budget allocation
Governance plan
Risk assessment
Finalising the plan and obtaining approval
Execution Stage
Generic Requirement
Client Requirement Project Object Issue Agreed Outcome
Time management
Cost management
Quality management
Change and issue management
Relationship management
Monitoring and Controlling stage
Generic Requirement
Client Requirement
Project Object Issue
Agreed Outcome
Monitoring and reviewing all progresses in execution stage
Identifying and preventing risks
Monitoring change to project
Closing Stage
Generic Requirement
Client Requirement
Project Object Issue
Agreed Outcome
Producing closing report
Redistribution of resources
Administrative work
Next steps for future projects
Activity 2C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and impacts of constraints.
Activity Using the tables in activity 2C of chapter 2.3 identify how each of the nine project functions within your project are interdependent. Attach the documents to your work book.
Which of the three triple constraints are fixed within your project and how does the effect each of the nine project functions?
Activity 2D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop a project management plan that integrates all project-management functions with associated plans and baselines.
Activity Document your project management plan including the following sections
» Introduction
» Project management approach
» Project scope
» Milestone list
» Schedule baseline and work breakdown structure
» Change management plan
» Communications management plan
» Cost management plan
» Procurement management plan
» Project scope management plan
» Schedule management plan
» Quality management plan
» Risk management plan
» Staff management plan
» Resource calendar
» Cost baseline.
Activity 2E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity.
Activity Identify the methods you intend to use to monitor and control each of the planned activities within your project.
The methods used to monitor the activities of the Smart Watch are:
Pulse meetings:
Pulse Meeting: This is a regular and brief team meeting when the project management team reports on day-to-day project operations, as well as any issues or potential risks. These meetings could happen three times a year.
Depending on the nature of the project once a day in fast-paced projects or once a week in slower-moving initiatives.
Program reviews:
The goal of these discussions is to figure out whether and how each project function affects or interferes with the others. It focuses on the big picture of the project and is held at longer intervals between project team members and project leaders.
Project forecasting:
entail evaluating the current performance of project activities, issues that have arisen, and potential risks to evaluate the impact on the project activity's triple constraints.
Project Management information
During the planning, execution, and closure stages of a project, managers use a database to collect, aggregate, and disseminate information via electronic and manual channels. It is utilised to manage goods, keep track of financial data, and maintain track of auditing and reporting requirements.
Management reviews:
This is a formal meeting between the stakeholders and the project management team to assess the project's overall progress versus the original plan, as well as to identify any risks or problems that must be addressed for the project to be completed successfully.
Change management log:
This is a document that documents the modifications that have had to be made to project activities, the reasons for the changes, the effects the changes will have on other project activities, and the triple constraints adjustments that have resulted because of the changes.
Activity 2F
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority.
Activity Draw up a project plan approval document to attach as an appendix to the project plan and attach a copy to your work book.
Project plan approval document of "Smart Watch"
Are there any aspects of the project plan that you envisage will be met with objections from any of the relevant stakeholders and if so, why?
Activity 3A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project.
Activity Identify the established policies and procedures of the organisation for which your project team is working and any problems you feel the project may encounter due to conflicting interests and/or beliefs.
The established policies and procedures are as follows:
1. WHS policies and procedures
2. Chances for everyone
3. Confidentiality, privacy, and security
4. Risk evaluations
5. Internal and external communications
6. Personnel
7. Office administration
8. Ethics
9. Working in partnerships
10. Media relations
11. Financial management
In addition, there are numerous components in Personnel, Office Management, and Ethics.
Disciplinary, grievance, appraisal/performance, expenses, sick leave, annual leave, recruitment, induction and training, redundancy, retirement, and pension payments are all part of the human resources department.
Environmental effect, e-mail/internet use, office facility uses, and security are all aspects of office management.
Complaints, personal development, quality assurance, and whistleblowing are all examples of ethical behaviour.
The rules and procedures outlined above have been set by the company to handle or address any form of incident or disagreement that may happen throughout the course of business.
Research the following aspects of the internal work environment of the organisation and document any potential issues you might encounter.
» Organisational culture and style
» Physical working conditions
» Geographic location and/or dispersion
» Team dynamics.
Provide one example for each
Activity 3B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project.
Activity Why is it important to align project objectives with organisational objectives?
It is thought to be extremely important to connect the project goal with organisational goals because it is advantageous to the organisation. Aligning project objectives with organisational goals increases the likelihood of project success and, as a result, the organization's potential to be more productive.
In what documentation have you already used the organisational objectives as the basis for project planning?
The documentation utilised is the Project Initiation Document (PID), which provides all the information regarding the goals that must be met.
such as the project's requirements, when it will be completed, the hazards associated, the expected cost, and so on.
Using the designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity, update the reporting procedures to include a section on the assessment of alignment between the project objectives and the organisational objectives and ensure it is included in the project schedule.
Pulse meetings
Variance reports
program review
Project forecasting
Activity 3C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to within authority levels, resolve conflicts negatively affecting attainment of project objectives.
Activity Why might you encounter conflict within the project?
• Cultural differences
• Conflict of interest
• Improper communication between different stakeholders of the project
• Inefficient management within the project
• Improper understanding of the roles and responsibilities
What is your conflict resolution model?
Negotiation will be used in the early stages of the conflict. The parties will be able to discuss the issues using this method. A third party or a subject matter expert may be called in to help mediate the issue if necessary. In the event that no agreement can be reached, a third-party mediator will be brought in to help address the problem.
What can a project manager do to try to avoid conflict from the outset of the project?
During frequent meetings, team members are encouraged to bring up any concerns or conflicts they may be experiencing. The project manager can arbitrate and try to resolve the difficulties based on the company's policies and industry-set ethical standards.
Activity 4A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals.
Activity What management system are you using to update records in relation to status of project deliverables and plans? Who is responsible for the updates?
Procedures for dispatching and collecting, as well as security and legal project policies. The project manager is in charge of this.
» Current status of each deliverable- every 2 day
» Quality targets- 3 days
» Quality standards and criteria- everyday
» Quality assurance reviews undertaken- every week
» Quality control reviews undertaken- every week
» Actions required from quality assurance and control reviews- every 3
» days
» Time frame in which to complete actions- every week.
» Current status of quality of deliverables? Good
How often do you record updates on the following aspects of project deliverables:
The following parts of project deliverables are updated on a regular basis:
Project management approach- daily basis
Project scope- every week
Milestone list- every week
Schedule baseline and work breakdown structure- every 3 days
Change management plan- depend on situation
Communications management plan- every week
Procurement management plan- every week
Project scope management plan- every day
Schedule management plan- every week
Quality management plan- every day
Risk management plan- every week
Staff management plan- every week
Resource calendar- every week
Cost baseline? every day
Activity 4B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities.
Activity Explain what should be contained in the following reports and to which relevant authorities they should be submitted:
» Project status reports
» Risk register
» Issues log
» Executive summary.
» Project status reports
A project status report is the most common sort of project report, and it informs project stakeholders about the project's status. It measures the amount of work that has been done and completed. It compares this to a pre-established baseline to determine whether the project is on track or if adjustments are required if it is behind schedule.
» Risk register
Risks exist in all initiatives and corporate activity. It is merely an issue of how a company recognises, assesses, analyses, and monitors these threats. A Risk Register provides an organisation with a tool to better respond to issues that may occur because of these risks. It aids in decision-making and enables stakeholders to address hazards in the most effective manner feasible.
The report should also inform the stakeholders of the current risks to the project.
» Issues log
Iterative because it will be updated on a regular basis depending on how frequently the team detects a potential concern. It may also be changed as the project continues and the features of the existing potential risks change.
» Executive summary.
It is just as awful to give complete but inaccurate information as it is to give accurate but partial information. Because stakeholders rely on the status report for project updates and its content is utilised to make decisions, it is vital that the report contains both complete and accurate data. It will also assist in properly managing and maintaining the project's timeliness.
What topics would you include in your "everything else" report?
The topics included in the report.
• What the project name and, if appropriate, the project code.
• what the project manager and other key members of the team.
• Include the cadence as well as the status date (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
• Project Timeline: When completed all the milestones during this period
• is the project's scope remaining the same during this time?
• Is the project on budget, under budget, or above budget?
• Quality: While this may not apply to every report during every period, it is worth noting if there are problems.
Activity 4C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse and submit impact analysis of change requests for approval, where required.
Activity What is an impact analysis?
An impact analysis is the method of forecasting the proposed projects and changes that are made in the project objectives and outcomes. It helps to identify and avoid the risks so that preventive measures are taken. The positive and negative impact of the business is ascertained
Identify a risk to your project and propose a change to an area of the project to prevent the risk from occurring.
Managers may be faced with a variety of risks that must be addressed, including financial risk, operational risk, and other types of risk are all possible. This is dependent on the impact of external influences on project success.
By assisting in the implementation of successful change, the amount of risk can be reduced. For the Smart Watch, the technical risk if very important, the changes that can be made is to devise a control strategy for hazards.
Identify all the expected impacts that the proposed change will have on all areas of the project.
• Improved performance- If personnel are trained, it will be easier for businesses to achieve project goals.
• Improved efficiency- As employees' talents evolve, their efficiency will improve as well.
Using the example in activity 4C of chapter 4.3, or your organisation's standard template, submit a project change request form for the proposed change and attach a copy to your work book.
Activity 4D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit.
Activity Identify all of the project logs and registers you use and provide an example entry for each one.
• Project Log
A system for storing and indexing project-related materials, enhancements, changes, issues, and worker information (s).
Time inputs, obstacles, architectural upgrades, and finishing requirements can all be assessed using this tool.
In the event of a disaster, it can also be used to assess the impact and adjust succeeding initiatives. There are various types of project logs, some of which are listed below in the following order:
• Change log
The change log is a core place for the documentation and
tracking of all the adjustments produced during the project existence.
• Daily log
The project manager is in charge of maintaining and managing the regular file. From a paper-based log to an interactive device ring binder, this can take any shape the project manager requires.
How often is each log or register reviewed and who by?
Risk Identification
Qualitative Ranting
Risk Response
Lack of funds
Due to a shortage of money, the company's overall performance would suffer.
The project team must respond in accordance with the budgeted activities.
management of tasks
Human resource
It will cause a delay in the completion of the project.
Human resource managers should strive to complete work according to the schedule.
What makes a good record for auditing purposes?
Regardless of how big or little the project is, accurate notes are required for accounting purposes. If the project is subject to official, authorised auditing, the diligent preservation of records becomes much more important.
External auditing can aid in the detection and prevention of bribery and corruption, as well as the verification of institutional procedures and the tracking of compliance with current rules and international legislation.
This also attempts to progress on a continuous basis, because errors or missed opportunities can be discovered and corrected to improve potential enterprises.
Activity 4E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes.
Identify the changes you have made to project baselines and other changes.
For each of the changes you made document the relevant changes you subsequently made to associated plans.
Activity 5A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and allocate project finalisation activities.
Activity Identify the required project finalisation activities.
The project finalisation activities are:
1. Financial transactions completion
2. Storing the project data
3. obtaining certificates
4. preparing final reports
5. updating organization knowledge
6. Documenting issues.
For each activity allocate a member of the project team to complete it and explain why you have chosen this person. You may allocate the responsibility to more than one person if appropriate.
Activity 5B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner.
Activity What are the project products within your project?
Project product is anything tangible that has been produces by the project either as an end item or a component of other products. Because project products are used by the organisation after the project is completed, all relevant documentation, including training manuals, operating instructions, URLs, passwords, and authorities, troubleshooting information, and guarantees, should be handed over to the client so that the products can continue to function after the project team has left.
What associated documentation will be handed over with the products?
We must guarantee that the relevant documentation is generated and given over to the customer along with the project products when handing over the project to the client.
Associated documentation my include:
Certificates, guarantees, licences, indemnities,
• Specifications for a product or service
• Certificates, guarantees, licences, indemnities,
• Any other related paperwork o User, training, and installation guides
• An overall project handover to operations document that includes:
- document purpose
- outline of modifications,
- support, risk log, issue log,
- and lesson learned may be augmented with the handover of the products and accompanying paperwork.
Explain the arrangements of the handover process for your project products and the associated documentation.
Because project products are used by the organisation after the project is completed, all relevant documentation, including training manuals, operating instructions, URLs, passwords, and authorities, troubleshooting information, and guarantees, should be handed over to the client so that the products can continue to function after the project team has left.
The following items may be included in the handover procedure for our project products and associated documentation:
• Documents, whether hard copy or electronic, should be indicated clearly.
• Information security when it is transferred, including the handover of authorities and passwords, as well as the physical transfer of manual paperwork.
• The duration of the handover.
• Person in charge of the handover - this includes the arrangements, the physical handover, and the electronic transfer, among other things.
• Whether or if the project team retains documentation, and if so, how long they intend to preserve it.
• In terms of copyright and intellectual property rights, the property owner.
• Training sessions are planned or have already taken place.
Activity 5C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations.
Activity What financial obligations must you finalise?
Financial obligations rely on the scope of a project that involves internal and external duties. Financial obligations the total monetary accounting spend on a project is referred to as the internal financial responsibility. It can be subdivided into the following project categories:
• Cost management plan: reconcile projected and actual expenditures.
• Work breakdown structure: comparing actual spending to the budget allotted to each WBS component.
• Change and risk management: how did project modifications affect budgets?
• Procurement records and finances must be finalised and properly recorded.
• Final payments and account updates should be sent to vendors.
External financial obligation concerns non-borrowing loans, loans from other sources, such as bank loans and contracts for services than stakeholders and investors. Unless external financial commitments are fulfilled in due time, legal action and seizure of the project's assets can occur.
So, before completing the project, a project must complete or fulfil its financial obligations. Otherwise, a court, regulatory organisations, and trade union can prosecute the proposal.
What legal obligations must you finalise?
The project is a contract and is a legal document or agreement to conclude its legal duty at the outset of the project to determine:
• Terms and Conditions of the project: This contains the project duration and budget and any sanctions for which the project team is liable if the conditions are not fulfilled. Any sanctions through an effective examination of the project baselines and via negotiations with the customer and stakeholders should be avoided.
• Outsourcing: project with its suppliers, contractors and subcontractors has a legally binding obligation.
• Communication Plan: The project team shall comply with the necessary communication terms and conditions between stakeholders and clients.
• Risk insurance: completion or extension of the corporate liability insurance should foresee concerns arise when a project is completed successfully.
• Confidentiality agreements: The project will have a responsibility, including employee theft or infringement of intellectual property, to guarantee that confidentiality is not violated.
What contractual obligations must your finalise?
The Procurement Manager would have negotiated, defined, and perhaps amended conditions of contracts of supply for vendors and entrepreneurs at different stages of the project life cycle. At the finalisation stage, we must guarantee that all conditions are respected, especially if amended during the entire project. The contractual duty to be finalised must include:
• Any contract that was modified should be rewritten, signed, and updated by both parties
• All the schedules of the supply contract were mutually coherent.
• Policies on cancellations were clear, including the two parties' obligations.
• Key staff identified and clearly specified their duties and responsibilities.
• Clear and deliverables clear work statement or service level agreement, revised when needed and adhered to following the evaluation and review of the procurement management plan.
• Prior to signing contracts and agreements, all authorisation from higher authorities were sought.
• The legal professionals included and ratified all the legal requirements and evaluated and ratified revisions to contracts and terms and conditions where relevant.
• At each important point during the project, the contracts have been signed by all necessary parties.
• The contracts have been and are properly and securely stored.
• Dispute management procedures were considered, and, if need be, the sellers' capacity to complete their contractual duty on time was not impacted by efforts to ensure dispute and time spent to deal with it.
Activity 5D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to undertake project review assessments as input to future projects.
Activity What may project review assessments include?
After every project is completed, it is important that we analyse, review and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of every part of the project so that areas of improvement for future projects can be identified.
Project review may include:
• Benefit realisation review
• Outcome's evaluation
• Post implementation review
• Project lesson learned
Select two of the review assessments and complete the relevant documentation. If using organisation templates, attach copies of the documents to your work book.
Review of benefits:
Upon the completion of the project, benefit does not occur.
Time should be invested in incorporating procedures and practises leading to maximum benefit realisation. However, benefit realisation involves the provision of training and troubleshooting by the team member, feedback from the workers and the customer and modification of the project.
Project lesson learned:
Lesson learned report is an important part of the project information
Project management in the future to improve the quality of projects, reduce risk, avoid mistakes, and take chances. Every strategy and every procedure
Project evaluation, reporting and feedback should be made available to a project authority at the end of the project within an organisation.
All the information is vital project aims, benefits and results. Information. Information. Description and knowledge of customers, investors' wants, and expectations governance is going to have an impact on the review.
Within my project, we established a workshop that incorporates the following participants in an evaluation of a lesson learned from the project:
• All participants actively
• Project Manager
• Stakeholder
• Moderator
The moderator was outside of the project during this workshop, acting as a neutral person who can carry out the training without prejudice. The errors were included, the project work was analysed and interpreted. In scenarios we experienced during the project, reasons for some strategies that were not working well were recorded and more efficient management approaches were captured and recorded. Open feedback on project management practises has been received from all team members and stakeholders.
Skills and Knowledge Activity
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your workbook.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
» Reading
» Writing
» Oral communication
» Numeracy
» Navigating the world of work
» Interacting with others
» Getting the work done
» Project governance models
» Range of methodologies to break project objectives into achievable project deliverables
» Role of project life cycle stages, phases and structures relevant to industry and project context
» Appropriate organisational documentation for recording strategies and goals for integration processes
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1. When establishing your project, how did you:
» Identify project objectives
» Negotiate project objectives, outcomes and benefits with stakeholders
» Negotiate project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders?
» Identify project objectives
Project objectives may need to follow the guidelines of your company's superior. Although top management is more likely to achieve goals that will be met by the goals we specify, we may need to identify superiors. This may be true of goals that lead to real results for a company's investor. It may also be a goal that the owner suggests or agrees to measure project progress rather than trying to evaluate the project based on abstract goals. The project target is covered in five basic categories:
• Strategic objectives
This aim is to achieve the overarching goal specified by the stakeholders concerned for the project. The project manager and team leaders are normally responsible for determining these precise objectives once the aim is determined.
• Performance objective:
These are projects aimed at measuring our team's processes and functions. Often, they are continuous goals, and the data collected can be employed to increase the productivity of the entire organisation.
• Financial objective:
The project costs money but is also usually concerned with money, therefore the financial targets are money in and out of a particular project.
• Regulatory objectives:
Knowing about project implications in terms of these requirements can be frequently ignored, but for a project manager it is nevertheless vital.
• Efficiency Objectives:
it allows the organisation to monitor its processes and discover opportunities for productivity gains, by setting explicit objectives to this aim.
» Negotiate project objectives, outcomes, and benefits with stakeholders
Negotiate with stakeholder's project objectives, results, and benefits
We need to establish and plan our business case in negotiations with the stakeholders. Scope our project thoroughly and identify the resources, time and prices required so everybody knows what our goals are and what the business will cost them.
We should also be identifying our stakeholders, who have an interest and who will be influenced by their results and results in our project or endeavour. Who is a person responsible for influencing, deciding or interested? Profile these stakeholders' needs, motivators, interests, and concerns.
Now we must identify our main stakeholders and consider the best method for each. It is vital to adjust our communication style and matrix to a better reaction. to be heard and received.
Before meetings, explain a common and measurable set of expectations. Knowing what our goals and goals are, which is the intention, is a critical factor to influence the result successfully, and what we need of our future stakeholders.
» Negotiate project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders?
Negotiate with the appropriate authorities and stakeholders project governance structure. Once all stakeholders are identified and their interest and expectations specified, the communication plan must be developed. A well-designed communication plan provides all key stakeholders with simple, effective, and timely information.
The project manager must ensure that the balance between meetings and reporting is correct once the communications plan has been developed. This must be established to ensure each stakeholder is aware of the way and topic of communication, frequency, owner/receiver, communication milestones and decision-making gates. Moreover, communication must be tight, accurate and targeted.
2. What project documentation was required in the initiation stages of the project? Provide an example of one of the documents.
During the start-up initiation stage of the project, the documents required included business case, reference terms, project plan, risk plan, communications plan, project development plan, and many more. The project development plan was the most important document.
The project development plan was an important document since it involved information on the final integration of each plan developed in various phases and procedures and the final project document plan.
A feasibility analysis is an example of the documentation needed during the first stage of a project. It is designed to identify whether a project is effective in the project environment or not, but there is no perfect predictor of the project's performance in the world. For a project, a feasibility analysis with a concentration on financial viability, environmental integrity, cultural acceptability, or political feasibility might be carried out. It is a measure of the probability of success and describes how this decision was achieved.
3. What information is contained in the project charter and what was the procedure for obtaining approval from relevant authorities?
The project charter provides information include:
• Project background
• Project goals and objection
• Scope
• Stakeholder
• Project budget/cost
• Deliverables
• Methodology
• Project manager authority level
• Assumption constraints, risks, and dependencies
• Communication plan
The project charter serves to provide a firm basis for a project and provide the people involved in the project with important information. It helps to prevent any misunderstandings that can destroy the project. A project manager usually develops the project charter using experience in the field of competence.
4. Explain the processes and procedures you undertook to establish the project management plan.
The processes and procedures for the project management strategy we have undertaken include:
1: Identify and meet with stakeholder
Meet the project sponsors and key stakeholders in order to understand their needs and expectations and set up projects for project scope, budget and schedule.
We then construct an overview document to finalise and record project scope information, include everyone on the same page and avoid the likelihood of expensive misinterpretation.
2: Prioritize and establish Goals
Define priorities for all stakeholder demands and set precise project targets. These should identify project goals or the measurements and outcomes that we intend to attain.
3: Deliverables Set
Consider each achievement and project planning stages needed to achieve the project objectives. Then estimate the due dates in our project plan for each deliverable.
4: Create the schedule of projects
Look at each deliverable and define the number of tasks to be performed. Determine the time, resources and who is responsible for the executions for each task. for each task.
5: Identify problems and do a risk evaluation
We should know how to manage risks in the context of a project and explore measures to minimise or limit the negative repercussions of risks in designing a project plan. conduct a risk assessment and design a strategy for risk management to ensure that we are ready
4: Create a schedule of projects
Look at each deliverable and identify the number of tasks to be carried out. Determine the length of time, resources and who is responsible for the performances for each assignment.
6: Present the project plan to stakeholders
Clear and available to all parties involved so that they do not need to chase you down for basic updates. your project schedule. It is easily possible to keep track of progress, communicate updates and edit all project plan data in one place like a collaboration tool without filing your calendar with meetings.
5. What issues did you encounter whilst executing the project in an established internal work environment and how did you resolve these issues?
During the execution of the project, some issues and problems may arise. The resolution of the problem may include:
• Unrealistic deadlines: Teams Each project contains a timetable and a project team. Keep up to date and know what the calendar views are coming up with. Knowing who works on what and notifying every one of the tasks which go from one stage to the next.
• Unrealistic timelines: Project managers can monitor the project deadlines and other connected problems with perfect planning, alternative analyses and effective communication to project participants and other key decision-makers of the progress in real time. Plan your events, administer your schedule, and maintain essential project calendar dates.
• Insufficient team skills: Document the core set of abilities required to perform the workload and analyse team members' strengths and shortcomings. Train them to improve their skills and to stop the skill gap.
• Teamwork challenges: A good working environment is the best technique to reduce problems or negativities in a team. Create confidence in the workplace to remove obstacles and create interpersonal connections.
6. Explain how issues, risks and changes were managed during the execution of the project.
To fulfil the project objectives, outputs and success, appropriate risk management techniques, issues, and adjustments from the very beginning to the completion of a project are important. The question management process is the method to identify and solve a problem in a project. By employing the appropriate problem management method, we may quickly detect and handle problems before they have an unwanted impact. Issues like staffing, service providers, equipment and other problems can easily be solved by the efficient process of problem management
Some risk and problem management strategies are:
• Risk Management should be incorporated into the plan and projected risks and problems.
• Identify risk and problems early in the project utilising previously learned lessons from similar projects, project team member and external experts.
• As soon as they appear, the danger and the problem identified should always be communicated to the authorities concerned. It is good to incorporate this issue in all stakeholders' meetings and serious sponsor threats.
• Assess the dangers and problems, handle them as threats and improvements.
• After identifying a potential risk, a team member is assigned a risk response analysis, priority setting, planning and implementation. Avoidance, minimisation, and acceptance can be a risk response.
• Maintain or log a risk register to review risks and problems and monitor them. The risk register should include a risk, cause and effect description, risk ownership, risk response and outcomes.
Some ways for managing change are:
• Understanding the main reason of the necessary change.
• Determine the cause, impacts and changes in risk.
• Prevent needless changes only ensure that the modification is genuinely and accurately essential.
• To have a procedure of change management which involves the delegation of authority to approve modifications, the way they are registered and monitored. You may use a report of variation or a changing management log.
• Manage the log of a problem.
7. How did you allocate project finalisation activities and how effective was the allocation?
Project finalisation activities may include:
• Financial transaction completion: all financial transactions have been completed and recorded for legal, accountability, auditing purposes and correspondingly.
• Project data consolidation and storage: All documents and information generated throughout the project life are properly collected, collected and securely kept.
• Documentation of outstanding projects: before the project is handled by the client, a log must be checked, and a risks register must be kept in a record and discuss with stakeholders and the client if any issues or changes that are not resolved or are in the process of solving themselves.
• Certification or provision: in the construction sector, certification of project completion is prevalent after a number of safety and health inspections have been complied with before signing off. If any sector requires a certificate of completion of the project, it should thus be completed and signed to a standard of the guaranteed industry.
• Preparation of the final project reports: the final evaluations and final estimates of the baselines of all the reports on nine project management functions must be completed.
• Updating the knowledge management of the corporation: any concept, information and technology developed by the project team should be shared with each other and with the organisation to enhance and apply it to future projects. In general, organisational knowledge is captured in a database that should be updated during and after completion of the project in standard and accepted process.
8. What procedure was in place for project handover to the client and how smooth was the handover?
As the products used for the project are usually still in the company, all relevant documentation, like training, manuals, operating instructions, URLs, passwords and bodies, information, and security troubleshooting, needs to be provided to the customer to enable them to function after the departure of the project team. The project delivery process includes the following products and supporting documents including:
• Document purpose
• Outline of change
• Support
• Handover documentation
• Risk log
• Issue log
• Lesson learned
The project team should determine how the documents might be submitted either on paper or electronically. Any officials and password should be returned, and the time range of the transfer should be considered. Proper arrangements, such as meetings, should be taken to provide information on handover and the medium, such as physical or electronic information, to be disclosed. In addition, the project manager should know how long the documentation is to be maintained. Any intellectual copyright and rights must be considered and arranged.
9. Identify the key lessons learned from your project and the aspect that had the most impact (positive or negative) on the project and why.
The main lesson learnt from the project is the knowledge about the use of project management software. Comprehensive software project management including applications for task planning, scheduling, price control and budget management, allocation of resources, collaboration, communication, fast management, documentation and management, system management and management which is used to manage large projects together.
Project management software provides a large amount of required information, such as:
• Tasks for the employees and the allocation of information for the resources.
• Overview of scheduling of tasks information
• Early warning of potential dangers related to the project
• Workload information
Management of the project communication team
• Discussion of project work concerns and coordination
• Setting, processing, and processing project risk management and proactive management of project difficulties and requests for changes
• Access to project information by means of a live feed of events
Another significant thing I learned from the assignment is time management, a key part of each project. The project management has several stages, and the entire project may be delayed if one of the stages is delayed and this can also lead to a big budget overrun.
Major Activity
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
Activity This is a major activity - your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
1. Establish project
2. Undertake project planning and design processes
3. Execute project in work environment
4. Manage project control
5. Manage project finalisation
1. Working alone, hold a meeting with a small group of primary internal and external stakeholders to negotiate project planning and design processes. Set the topics, guide discussion in the meeting, and try to help the group reach decisions.
There are a lot of criteria which are needed for the establishment of a meeting with a small group of internal and external stakeholders to discuss the project planning and design process. The first involves the implementation of the project and the identifying of problems underlying the development and implementation of the project.
Our project meeting is for internal or external stakeholders; four tips are available here to help our meeting to maximise
• Agenda Meeting
• Minute of meeting
• Topics meeting
• Feedback
2. Working in pairs (with another learner, if possible), create a full and accurate project initiation document and scope statement for an upcoming project of your choice.
Black Bean Caffe
Project Initiation Document
Project Summary
This beautiful cafe is nestled in the heritage landscape of Headland Park. Our coffee shop is designed to be a great spot for friends and family meetings, for stress-free employees and professionals. Our shop additionally offers all books, arcade games and a host of occasional discounts in one service which will certainly appeal to a wide range of customers.
Customers desire to get the novel flavour of mixed chai latte coffee of local quality in the coffee shop. The cafés are estimated at roughly 30 metres in size and can accommodate up to 100 guests with fixed outside sitting spaces and tables. Free Wi-Fi, books and arcade games are provided in the coffee shop.
Project Scope
Business need
Black Ben Café will be the o to place for coffee lover. Our main products will be higher margin gourmet coffee products such as espresso, cappuccino, latte.
We are serving the highest quality coffee and snack in trendy, also introducing of new vegetarian and vegan meals. Our convenient location and excellent customer service should build steady repeat customer base.
The Black Bean Caffe also offers books, arcade games and a few occasional vouchers and discounts, all of whom are offered in one service. With growing demand for excellent vegan meals and green tea products and services.
The Black Bean café will benefit from renting a spot to establish a pool of clients repeatedly.
Opportunity Statement
Statistical evidence has demonstrated great coffee shop start-up potential. In addition to the coffee report from AIX Sydney (2019), around 20% of home coffee purchasers prefers coffee shops with unique products, and the 10-12 age group is most likely to refuse to drink homemade coffee, suggesting that coffee shops expand their customer menus to include non-caffeine-friendly drinks.
The project team also carried out research and obtained excellent feedback on young people's need for Asian powder-based green tea drinks. The project team analyst has also discovered that comparatively few coffee shops in Sydney offer Japanese drinks and cakes related to matcha. Black Bean Café has been initialised with these opportunities.
Project Goal
The goals of the business are to generate significant income, business and the workplace, with dignity and respect for customers and staff.
Project Objectives
• Maintain high food quality and service standards
• Provide live entertainment of excellent quality with no cover fee
• Make your local advertisements a pleasant atmosphere
• Distribute monthly fliers to neighbourhoods, businesses, and Churches
• Offer discount vouchers.
• Maintain and use a mailing list of customers
Project Benefit
• New, distinctive kinds of vegan foods are promoted.
• Bringing Asian tea culture closer to Sydney residents.
• To offer a distinctive, cosy, and comfortable meeting area for customers.
Project Consideration
• High competition with branded coffee and hot drinks and fast-food companies.
• Not everyone knows Asian cocktails and people might not be prepared to try.
• Coffee beverage saturated market.
• High ingredient price and raw materials to be imported, so that coffee prices will be small bit costly than those of coffee's competitors.
• Negative environmental impacts may harm ecology owing to using plastic cups as well as the manufacture of non-degradable garbage.
3. After the project has been completed, carry out a full review and evaluation of project outcomes. Arrange a group meeting with all team members involved in the project and present your findings, Make suggestions about how the team can improve in the future.
The Team includes the Project Manager, two engineering personnel, two project consultants, a team that is working on creating a lift in the commercial building, two IT specialists and two customer service representatives.
They would be a close team working closely towards the objective of building lifts and providing postal installation services in two years.
A few communication instruments are utilised for the enhancement of communication, such as:
• formal communication,
• informal communication,
• face-to-face meetings,
• on-site site development visits.
When developing the project, the customer expectations are considered and regular meetings with the customer and the stakeholders involved are organised to meet these requirements.
While planning and designing projects, the consultants are recruited who work along with the project manager to complete the formation of a team, select the methods of communication to communicate effectively, develop the process to satisfy all customer expectations.
To plan the project and design process, the following process is considered:
• Set an appropriate technique and implement it in the organisation or project that breaks down the project's goals into the project results that are feasible.
• Identify individual phases through which the project passes and identify all the essential needs for completion of the project phases for satisfying the customer's expectations and to match them with the project aim.
• A variety of project management functions will be analysed to identify the interdependence of projects with important functions such as communication, costs, human resources, procurement and contracting, project integration, quality, risk, and time.
• Project management plan design and development to integrate the project management functions.
• Formulation of the monitoring method and control of the activities scheduled.
• Negotiate to obtain approval with the relevant project stakeholders and authority.
To ensure that all project activities and work are effectively carried out throughout the project life, the pre-established internal working environments are used as a basis to carry out the project in the work environment.
The management of the project control focuses on the timely updating of all the project records that match the project deliverables. To proceed, all associated stakeholders and the other related authorities will be sent the final status report on the development of the project.
Analysis of the impact of the request for change and the approval of the requests for modification should be carried out further.
Identification and focus on the project finalisation
Project Finalization Allocation operations including the completion of
any financial transaction, all remaining issues are documented, the final report of the project is prepared, all certificates are obtained, and the organisation knowledge management is updated.
Project review evaluation and outcomes
After the project is completed, a group meeting will be held to
Disseminate all results from the comprehensive analysis and assessment of the report project. The presentation of the group focuses on the following:
Benefit implementation review:
the advantage of lift installation is continuous advantages for two years to come. The sponsors will initially allocate the project budget, which usually represents 60% of the project's benefits.
The rest is created in the two years to come when sponsors pay for the project each month in return for the project's after-installation support.
The review include.
• The major objective of the review, which involves the realisation or not of the anticipated benefit of the project. It also mentions whether there were problems or problems during the project.
• This contains the targeted or projected benefits provided in the original business case and the project commencement document.
• It also covers the measurement of benefits on what basis. The advantages are not always financial and are recorded as well.
• There is a financial gain and a prospect of more future projects inside the elevator installation project.
• All the resources invested and utilised to realise the profit.
Outcome evaluation
The projected results may be associated to the intended benefits from the project and documented in the initiation documentation of the project. The project result is both the immediate result and the long-term result.
It also contains the result that improves knowledge within the organisation positively. Forms every project, learns the organisation and that could contribute to future projects.
Implementation review
This is the ultimate step in the project and is expected to take place within 3 to 6 months following project completion. It measures the goal and benefits gained from the project. It also examines whether the initiative worked in its scope. It verifies if the actual expenditures were or were not matched by the projected costs and controls the flow of the activity with the plan. The results would also be reported to the stakeholders concerned
Future suggestions:
• Monitors and includes in the commencement of the project papers the total cost of electricity consumption needed during the installation and test phases. These expenditures should not be neglected and considered to determine the true value and result of the project.
• Development of the remote maintenance system for the resolution of modest technical problems in remote areas.
• Preparing support for back-office planning and elevator maintenance.
• The creation of the warehouse to store the parts of the elevator is useful both in the provision of rehabilitation, maintenance and for future projects.
• Improve international communication to facilitate imports and to get into contracts with overseas firms.
• Time to respond during repair and maintenance and a reduction in commissioning time should be adapted.
• Expand the company's scope and border to get competitive benefits.
• Develop own elevator operation software and project process management.
Attachment:- Manage project integration.rar