Identify the specific events that lead to the loss

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Reference no: EM132308823

Assessment - Digital Presentation

Learning Outcomes

a) Examine the influence of the external environment on the organisation
b) Identify and apply appropriate frameworks and tools to the problems and challenges faced by organisations
c) Research and relate industry specific factors to the organisation decision-making process
d) Apply a relevant framework(s) to evaluate the macro and micro environmental influences on an organisation
e) Create a business case for potential growth opportunities based on analysis of external environmental factors

Businesses which do not properly address the factors in their environment which can impact them may succumb to pressures which they did not account for. There are examples of businesses that have experienced severe disruptive events causing a significant loss or closure entirely due to factors in their environment, are common.


Choose a known case of an Australian or international business which has suffered severe losses or closed down due to environmental influences. Choose recent closures/losses, not older than 2010.

Prepare a digital presentation incorporating the following:
• Identify the specific event(s) that lead to the loss/closure.
• Analyse these events in the context of environmental factors (political, economic, social, cultural, technological, legal and environmental).
• Describe responses by the business that were unsuccessful.
• Recommend counter strategies and potential growth opportunities for the business.
• Structure the digital presentation as follows Introduction

Identification and analysis of environmental factors Unsuccessful responses by the business Recommendations
Referencing in the APA 6th style

Submission Instructions:
Digital presentation involves producing a PowerPoint presentation with audio and visual components. You are required to embed the audio into each slide to create a slideshow. It is recommended that you first view a YouTube video that shows how to do a simple voice over on a power point presentation. Check your completed presentation on another computer before submitting it to ensure that the sound is embedded into each slide and not just linked to it. If it is not correctly embedded, the sound will only work on your computer and not on another one. Ensure that your selected font can be easily read by the audience. Slides should not have too much information, your audio must be expanding on that information; prompts and dot points are recommended.

Attachment:- The Business Environment.rar

Verified Expert

The task is about Amazon and its initial struggle in Australia.It has been prepared on MS Word. APA format of referencing and citation followed.

Reference no: EM132308823

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5/20/2019 2:13:39 AM

Correct citation of key resources and evidence Overall structure, appearance and referencing of the report are assessed 5%Shows evidence of extensive scope for sourcing evidence. Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses APA 6th style, containing no errors.


5/20/2019 2:13:24 AM

Level of creativity/ engagementThe presentation pitches at an ideal level for the intended audience. It reflects a high level of creativity and original thought, which enhances the overall presentation. The content is extremely engaging and inspires the audience to ask questions. Slides are informative, visually pleasing and clearly communicate the concept. Slides do not contain any spelling or grammatical errors. The graphics and images significantly engage the audience and enhance the key points by aiding the explanation of difficult concepts.


5/20/2019 2:13:10 AM

Recommendations SLO addressed: e) Create a business case for potential growth Does not address possible future growth opportunities and recommend course of action for the business. Addresses some possible future growth opportunities and recommend course of action for the business. Provides specific potential future growth opportunities and recommends course of action for the business. Provides specific potential future growth opportunities and recommends appropriate course of action for the business. Provides a wide range of potential future growth opportunities and recommends insightful and novel course of action for the business.


5/20/2019 2:13:04 AM

Identification and analysis of environmental factors SLO addressed: a) Examine the influence of the external environment on the organisation d) Apply a Not only identifies all events that accounted towards loss/closure of the chosen business, but also provides insightful analysis of all in the context of environmental factors Description of unsuccessful responses by the business SLO addressed: a) Examine the influence of the external environment on the organisation b) Research industry specific factors to the organisation decision- making process 15%


5/20/2019 2:12:41 AM

Assessment Attributes Grade Description (Grading Scheme) High Distinction (Exceptional) 85 - 100 High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.

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