Reference no: EM131244197
Frontier Airlines Company
1. Identify Domestic and Global Environments (countries) that are in opposing cultural clusters (as identified in International business: theory and practice) identify which cluster(s) your two countries fit.
2. Identify the socio-cultural parts of each country as related to business for your company.
a. You will need to examine these with the aid of Geert Hofstede (see resources).
3. Identify and discuss the various sociocultural aspects of each country. Do they differ? How? What are the similarities?
4. How would these factors affect your company's business in your Domestic and Global Environments (countries)? USA and Mexico
5. Research requirement: minimum 2 scholarly sources PLUS the text (which is listed below) and Hofstede.
6. Page requirement: 3 pages in APA format.
7. Assignment MUST be submitted to and here (see forum for more important information)
You are not limited to the below:
6. Global Agricultural Marketing Management: Cultural environment Chapter 3
7. Export Help: Socio-cultural environment
8. Geert Hofstede:
9. Fish, A. (2005). Assisting cross-border manager adjustment: Psycho-cultural and socio-cultural interventions. Personnel Review, 34(2), 225-245, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, articles.
10. Mariana, C. L., Raluca, G. I., &Gratiela, G. (2009). Culture - major determinant of the European consumer behavior. AnnalesUniversitatisApulensis: Series Oeconomica, 11(2), 1019-1024, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, articles.
11. Livermore, David. Leading with cultural intelligence: the new secret to success. New York: American Management Association, 2010. Chapters 1, 2, 4, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves.
12. Thomas, David C., and Inkson, Kerr. Cultural intelligence: Living and working globally. Williston, Vermont: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009. Chapters 1, 4, 5,
13. Keping, Yu; Thornton, John L.; Li, Cheng. Democracy is a good thing: Essays on politics, society, and culture in contemporary china. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11
Attachment:- Business Assignment.rar
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