Identify the signs and symptoms of alzheimers disease

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133665892

Excited Delirium

w/ Drug use

  • Create your own scenario of an incident involving an individual with Alzheimer's or excited delirium who meets the criteria of the category to which you were assigned.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or delirium that a trained law enforcement professional or first responder may observe during the initial interactions with the individual in the scenario.
  • Describe the law enforcement response strategy used in this incident. Assess the effectiveness of the response strategy for working with your assigned population.
  • Propose two strategies that you believe would be effective in resolving similar incidents with individuals suffering from either Alzheimer's or delirium (based on your assigned category). Would these strategies reduce the chance of injuries to innocent bystanders as well as potential injuries to law enforcement officers? Explain.
  • Recommend either a one-person or multi-person (two or more officers) response to Alzheimer's or Excited Delirium calls for service. Justify your response.
  • Support your answers with at least two credible sources. Please use the ECPI Online Library and your textbook to conduct your research.

Reference no: EM133665892

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