Reference no: EM133103437
Minimum of three paragraphs with a minimum of four questions for each question and sub-question.
At the beginning of this chapter, we described the exceptional accomplishments of Jordan Romero and Laura Dekker. It is interesting to note that both of these young record breakers faced physical, mental, and legal challenges. Romero departed for the mount Everest peak from the Chinese side of the mountain after Nepal authorities denied him permission on age grounds. Dekker had to go to court after the Dutch social services objected to the record attempt. Government officials thought the trip would harm her emotionally.
Laura Dekker, who was born on a boat, continues to sail and will likely find other records to break. Jordan Romero has already set another record. He reached the summit of Vinson Massif, a 16,067 foot mountain in Antarctica. He is now the youngest person to climb to the summit of the highest mountain on each of the seven continents.
1. Daniel Pink has described three basic human needs: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Which of these needs motivated Laura Dekker? Jordan Romero? Explain your answer.
2. Do you think the power of expectations affected these young adventures?
3. your goals play a key role in bringing purpose and direction to your life. Identify the short-term goals that are currently influencing your behavior. What long term goals do you hope to achieve in the future?