Identify the separation of laws and legal framework

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Reference no: EM131687463

Formative Essay:

To influence good organisational management of OHS (Occupational health and safety), the structure of a country's legal framework and overarching legal system plays the role of determining the actions and controls requiredby regulators and organization. Your essay should make a comparison with one other country to show howlegal frameworks can influence the practice of OHS.

1500 words (Havard Referencing and in text citation)

1. Identify the separation of laws and legal framework - Student to write about both civil and criminal law

2. Legal components and structures are clearly evaluated as to role and purpose - Student identifies the difference between Acts, Regs, ACOP...and government and court structures in terms of their contribution to regulating organisational safety.

3. Relationship between components is critically evaluated in relationship to the improvement of safety - Student can identify the place of each of the above components in relationship to its effecton delivering better standards.

4. Influence of case law within court structures examined and applied - Student can identify the influence on standards by previous decisions by a court's interpretation of law

5. Comparative systems with other countries identifies strengths and weaknesses. - Student takes two legal systems and analyses the impact of these differences on standards.

6. Well presented within the required word count with accurate referencing and evidence of wide reading.

Summative Essay:

Critically appraise the different approaches to management and how these can identify and correct latent failures within organisationsand ensure legal compliance.

3000 words

1. Evaluation of management theory, practice and process and links to occupational safety.

2. Identification of forms of management failure that lead to poor standards as they relate to management practice and legal compliance.

3. Critical appraisal of positive action through the development of policy and practice.

4. Determination of ability to deliver safety outcomes through management processes.

5. Consideration of the cost of redress and penalties on poor management practice.

6. Well presented within the required word count with accurate referencing and evidence of wide reading.

Reference no: EM131687463

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10/23/2017 5:32:13 AM

Formative Essay: Total 1500 words (Havard Referencing and in text citation). Note: Please, use the assessment criteria when writing and cover up the requirement in the guidance. Hint: Use your feedback from the formative assessment to support your summative discussion of management failures, poor standards, proactive actions and good management processes.


10/23/2017 5:32:04 AM

Summative Essay: 3000 words. Bibliography - In the Bibliography section list the books, journal articles and other sources used in the preparation of the report. (These are the sources that have helped you in the preparation of your report, but are not cited in your report.). References - In technical reports, a list of cited works is usually called References and comes at the end of your report. (These are the books, journals and other sources that you have paraphrased or quoted and are cited in your report.) Correct citing of original material is very important. When you use information from a source you must show where you have got it from. This is called an in-text citation. In your report your in-text citations and reference list should use the Harvard style.

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