Identify the scope and nature of own legal rights

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Reference no: EM131990372

Work Legally and Ethically Assignment

Task: Develop and Implement Policy in Electives.

Section 1 - Identify & Respond to Legal Requirements

The objective of these questions, are to provide you with an opportunity to:

1. Identify access and interpret sources of information about the legal requirements that apply to the work role.

2. Identify the scope and nature of own legal rights and responsibilities.

3. Adhere to legal requirements in work practice according to workplace policies and procedures and scope of role.

4. Recognise potential or actual breaches and report according to organisation procedures

Theory Activity -

1. Outline five (5) types of common legal issues relevant to the workplace. E.g. Employee rights

2. Give a brief overview of the Australian legal system.

3. What are the two (2) types of laws? Give examples of each.

4. What are the key statutory and regulatory requirements relevant to your work role an Early Childhood Educator?

5. How is duty of care enshrined in law? How does it relate to negligence?

6. How can you ensure that competence is maintained in the workplace?

7. What steps does your organisation take to maintain confidentiality?

8. How is confidentiality protected by law?

9. Why is it important to seek parent's agreement before providing services? What strategies can you use to involve parents in decisions?

10. How would you proceed in this scenario?

Section 2 - Identify & Meet Ethical Responsibilities

The objective of these questions, are to provide you with an opportunity to:

1. Identify, access and interpret sources of information about the ethical responsibilities that apply to the work role.

2. Identify the scope and nature of own ethical responsibilities, and meet ethical responsibilities according to workplace policies and protocols, and scope of role.

3. Recognise potential ethical issues and dilemmas, and discuss with an appropriate person.

4. Recognise own personal values and attitudes and take into account to ensure non-judgemental practice.

5. Use effective problem solving techniques when exposed to competing value systems.

6. Recognise unethical conduct and report to an appropriate person.

7. Recognise potential and actual conflicts of interest and take appropriate action

Theory Activity

1. Access and read the Code of Ethics, Early Childhood Australia (2006). The 'ECA Code of Ethics' guide's practices in relation to a number of different areas. List each area.

2. What are the rights of the client? Outline one of these rights in detail.

3. What are values, attitudes and stereotypes?

4. How can you be culturally sensitive?

5. What are your organisational policies and procedures on disclosure and confidentiality?

6. Which information should be kept confidential and how can you ensure it is kept as such?

7. Name an ethical issue or dilemma you have been involved in at the workplace. How did you deal with this, in terms of who you discussed it with?

8. For the ethical dilemma you identified in Activity 2C, what are your own personal values and attitudes on the subject?

9. What is the strategy for making an ethical decision?

10. What is unethical conduct?

11. Who should you report unethical conduct to?

12. Define a conflict of interest.

13. How can you manage a conflict of interest?

Section 3 - Contribute to Workplace Improvements

The objective of these questions, are to provide you with an opportunity to:

1. Contribute to workplace improvements.

Workplace Activity

1. Complete the following activity and attach your completed work to your workbook

For your individual workplace, identify two (2) potential work practice improvements designed to enhance workplace responsiveness to legal and ethical requirements.

1. Firstly, discuss and brainstorm your ideas with your co-workers.

2. Write these down in a short report and present it to your supervisor.

Reference no: EM131990372

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5/21/2018 2:16:33 AM

Task: only CHCPOL002 - Develop and Implement Policy in Electives...quote please. About This Workbook - Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. You have been provided with an observation checklist that must be completed and tasks to be observed by a workplace supervisor. The observations and third party details must be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. This is located in your HBA Learner Folder.


5/21/2018 2:16:26 AM

Some activities within this workbook are required to be completed using policy and procedures from a regulated education and care service. You should be able to demonstrate you can: 1. Identify and respond to legal requirements 2. Identify and meet ethical responsibilities 3. Contribute to workplace improvements. Observation is on-the-job - 1. Performing a work based skill or task 2. Interaction with children, colleagues and/or families 3.Performing a skill or task that is asked of you. This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the Learner Guide and also requires you to undertake research and demonstrate the knowledge and corresponding skills that will be needed for the assessment activities. The work you complete in this workbook will be used as evidence to contribute to your overall competence.


5/21/2018 2:16:20 AM

There is one (1) Workbook for this Unit of Competency. Read and consider all of the information for each activity prior to commencing the activities. Activities within this workbook will be assessed holistically throughout. All sections in this workbook must be completed prior to submitting for assessment. Elements of Assessment - The elements of each activity in this workbook need to be undertaken, completed, and returned to HBA electronically for assessment. Any additional information or evidence supplied by the learner to support their assessments should be returned with this workbook. In undertaking an activity in this workbook you may be asked to: Answer questions; Conduct research; Complete templates.


5/21/2018 2:16:14 AM

NOTE: Some activities may require you to undertake internet or other research. This research assists in meeting competency requirements and in completing assigned activities. This workbook: The Learner Guide has been designed to provide you with ample amount of background information to assist you with understanding each Unit of Competency. Use the Learner Guide, the Learner Resources Folder and conduct some additional research to formulate your answers. It is essential that your answer addresses all components of the question adequately, simply copying and pasting content that more or less answers the question is not appropriate. You can copy and paste content from other sources, but you must modify/paraphrase it to meet the question requirements and demonstrate your understanding of key concepts, ideas and models.


5/21/2018 2:16:08 AM

Provide a response to each question/request in the left hand column of the table below. Your responses should be entered into the adjacent area in the right hand column. Answers need to contain enough information and detail to demonstrate a sound understanding of the area/s the question relates to. It is not acceptable to use the example provided for you under the question in your own response. Tips: Read the questions to ensure you are providing what has been asked for. Answers do not need to be overly expansive, but they do need to have sufficient information to clearly answer the question and demonstrate your understanding.


5/21/2018 2:16:01 AM

Submitting Assessment Workbooks - Only completed assessment activity items with appropriate evidence which is valid under the Registering Authority guidelines, and the terms of the RTO and its authorised delegates will be used toward determining competence. You must submit your assessments in the Workbooks provided in their original format. Untidy, unclear, or hard to decipher material will be returned to the learner without assessment being conducted. HBA will not undertake assessment until the evidence supplied is in a format that meets the professional standard required by those working in leadership roles in the workplace. Workbooks will only be assessed when all activities have been completed. Where a Workbook is submitted with activities not complete, this is a formal submission and you will be deemed Not Satisfactory, with 2 submission attempts remaining.


5/21/2018 2:15:55 AM

IMPORTANT: Your submssion will not be assessed if the Activity Checklist and Learner Declaration have not been completed in full. Before submitting your workbook, take the time to review your activities to ensure you have correctly undertaken the assessment tasks as required. When submitting your workbook, the subject line of your email must be correct or else your workbook will not be assessed. Your email subject line must include the following information: Course Code - Workbook/Unit Code - Attempt # - your full name as per enrolment form, Example: CHC30113 or CHC50113 –Workbook CHCLEG001– Attempt #1 – Your Name. Please ensure that you change the attempt number with each submission. You have 3 submission attempts. This submission is counted as a formal submission.

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