Identify the risks in the mapping tool

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131459681


It is important to use some type of tool to evaluate the identified risks. This allows the company to have a real world assessment of a risk. In actual practice this would be done as a group project with a number of participants from both management and labor. This better ensures that any and all possible risks are identified.

Pick a business that you have some familiarity with. Based on your reading, research, and lecture notes develop a 2-3 page paper that identifies two risk categories and the breakdown of probables within those categories.


.Use one of the pages to map the risks and provide a table with corresponding numbers to identify the risks in the mapping tool.

.Be sure to explain your risk choices as well as how the businesses could deal with the risk exposure.

.The matrix and table can be developed in Excel and copy/pasted to your Word document.

.Check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Make sure any outside research sources are cited in APA format (on the reference page and in the text).

Reference no: EM131459681

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