Identify the research questions and hypotheses

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Reference no: EM132187620

Question: The nursing research article attached includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components using the Week 5 research template(See attached template).

The template will be evaluated on the effectiveness of the discussion of the following components. If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.

• Identify the research problem.

• Identify the research purpose.

• Summarize the review of literature.

• Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective.

• Identify the research questions and hypotheses.

• Identify the variables.

• Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.

• Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.

• Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?

• Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.

• Describe any cultural aspects of the study.

• Describe the final sample.

• Describe the procedures for data collection.

• Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.

• Describe how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice.

• Apply the research to the student's nursing practice.

• NOTE: If a component is absent, student receives a zero for that component.

Article: Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students (By Daniella Arieli)

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- Project_Research_Template.rar

Reference no: EM132187620

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