Reference no: EM133742476 , Length: 10
Homework: Black Rock ESG Report
The objective of this homework is to design and create an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report for the chosen organization, adhering to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard.
A. Identify the requirements and disclosures of the chosen company regarding the GRI standards. Team may use any helpful graphs, charts, or infographics to illustrate the results.
Case study homeworks are based on the following criteria:
A. Comprehensiveness: You need to demonstrate that you understand the subject being covered.
B. Assessment: Your assessment of how your case study company performs in this aspect. For example, instead of simply copying and pasting from the company report, you should demonstrate your thought process by analyzing the case company in that subject.
C. Presentation: We evaluate the quality of your presentation, such as whether it consists of bullet points or other forms of data or charts that support your arguments. We also look for a clear and concise summary. Allocate time limits as required.
D. References: The references should be cited properly.
E. Teamwork: The case study homework are expected to be completed as a team. Typically, the team will get the same score. But your individual score will be deducted if you did not participate in the teamwork.