Identify the reason why texture of ingredients

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Reference no: EM133660669

Assessment Tasks

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Complete the tables by doing the following:
Identify at least two ingredients for each category of food items used on poultry dishes.
Identify at least one trade name for each ingredient identified.

Question 2
Access recipes for poultry dishes offered in your organisation. These recipes must be for the following types of dishes:
Classical poultry dishes
These are dishes that follow traditional sets of procedures and ingredients that have been used without much change.
Contemporary poultry dishes
These are dishes derived from classical dishes with ingredients or procedures modified to follow modern cooking techniques.
Then, complete the table below by identifying the following:
At least three dishes for each type of poultry dish
At least one trade name for each dish identified

Question 3
Listed below are examples of poultry cuts.
Complete the table below by doing the following:
In your own words, describe the characteristics of each poultry cut listed
Identify at least one trade name for each poultry cut listed
identify at least one way to cook each cut listed
Identify at least one trade name for each way of cooking identified

Question 4

Date Codes
Below are two date codes that are commonly used on food items. In your own words, describe each date code.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Identify the three items that must be included in a best before date.

Identify the three items that must be included in a use by date.

Identify what the best before or use by date must include for each scenario below.

The duration is within 3 months since the date code was applied on a product and the content is expressed in letters.      
The duration is over 3 months since it was applied on a product.      

Identify what must be included in a Use First label.

Identify what must be included in a Day label.

Question 5
Listed below are examples of common poultry products.
In your own words, describe the following characteristics of each poultry product listed:
Fat Content

Question 6
Read the scenarios below about characteristics of poultry dishes.
Answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Juliet works as a cook at the La Bellissima. Today, two guests arrived and ordered two Club Sandwiches.
The first guest requested that poultry meat added into their sandwich must have as less fat as possible. The second guest requested meat that has a deeper taste but should not be too gamey.
Before Juliet assembles the sandwich, she first must first check the ingredients.
She first checked the texture of the ingredients. Any problem with the texture of the ingredients will make the dish less appealing for the guest. During her check, she made sure that:
The bread slices and vegetables are not soggy
The sauce flows smoothly but not runny
The cheese is not too hard nor melted.
She also checked the taste of the sauce by taking a sample. She must ensure that it tastes right. A bland sauce or one that is too salty or sweet will make the sandwich unappealing to the guest.
After checking the bread, vegetables, sauce and cheese, she then selects the poultry meat for each sandwich. The available options are chicken, turkey and duck. Juliet knows that duck meat has the most amount of fat among the three. It also has the gamiest taste. Chicken does not taste gamey and also not fatty. Turkey has a deeper taste and fattier than chicken. It is also not as gamey as duck. With these details, Juliet decides to use chicken breast for the first club sandwich. Then, she decides to use turkey breast for the second.
Juliet then starts preparing each ingredient. She first seasoned the chicken and turkey breasts with salt and pepper as these meats can taste bland on their own. Then, she roasted them until golden brown. She checks to ensure that the meats are not greasy and rubbery. She then toasted the bread slices until they are golden-brown. She also sliced the vegetables and aligned them for assembly.
Answer the questions below based on the scenario.

Identify the reason why texture of ingredients must be considered.

Identify the three things that Juliet checked to ensure that ingredients have good texture.

Identify the reason why the taste of the sauce must be considered.

Identify the reason why Juliet decided to use chicken meat for the first guest's request.

Identify the reason why Juliet decided to use turkey meat for the second guest's request.

Scenario 2
Juliet has finished preparing the ingredients, she now needs to assemble the sandwich.
She knows that for the sandwich to look good, it must have good balance, colour and contrast. These three will also affect the texture and taste that the guest will experience.

Juliet held the two toasted bread slices and spread the sauce evenly on each slice. She made sure to apply just enough to not oversaturate the bread. She then placed the lettuce on top of the first slice of bread. She topped the lettuce with the sliced chicken meat. Then, she added two slices of tomato. She added the cheese on top. Finally, she added the second slice of bread. This layering provided contrast in colours and made the sandwich look appealing and appetising. She did the same arrangement for the club sandwich with turkey meat.

Juliet made sure that the ingredients are layered evenly to ensure that the customers will be able to enjoy the ingredients in every bite they take. She made sure that there are just enough of every ingredient and their flavours will combine well to achieve balance. It is important to keep the sandwich balanced because if one ingredient overpowers the rest of the ingredients, it will affect how the sandwich will taste.
She then sliced each sandwich diagonally into two equally sized triangles. This will allow the customers to see the layers of the sandwich properly. Slicing the sandwiches into triangles makes them smaller. It will make it easier for the customer to eat them.

For the garnish, she placed olives on a little stick, and used a wooden stick to keep the sandwiches together. She also placed potato crisps on the side, her chosen garnishes provided a contrast in texture and flavour. Contrasting textures and flavour help keep the customer from getting bored of what they are eating.

In your own words, briefly describe how Juliet achieved balance in the sandwiches she prepared.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Identify the reason why balance needs to be considered.

In your own words, briefly describe how Juliet made sure to have different colours in the sandwiches she is prepared.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Identify the reason the sandwiches must have different colours.

In your own words, briefly describe how Juliet achieved contrast in the sandwiches she prepared.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Identify the reason why contrast needs to be considered in the sandwiches.

Identify the two reasons why Juliet decided to slice the sandwiches into equally sized triangles.

Question 7

Below are examples of poultry products.
In your own words, describe the expected quality of each poultry product in terms of the indicators listed.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Poultry Products Freshness Cleanliness
Chicken meat            
Turkey meat            

Poultry Products Freshness Cleanliness
Duck meat            

Identify the five signs of damage that you must check when buying poultry.

Question 8
Read the following scenarios about the historical and cultural origin of some poultry products.
Answer the questions that follow.

History of Chicken
Identify when chicken was first domesticated.

Identify the reason why people first domesticated chickens.

Identify two places where chicken was first domesticated.

Identify the location where people dug the bones that proved chicken were eaten as food.

Identify when chicken meat was eaten according to the results of the dig.

History of Turkey
Identify when turkey started to become globally popular.

Identify who were the people who first domesticated turkeys.

Identify who were the people who brought the turkey to Europe and Asia.

Identify one event when Australians buy a turkey.

History of Duck
Identify at least two duck breeds that are raised in Australia for consumption.

Identify which country first bred the Pekin duck.

Identify when the Pekin duck was first bred.

Identify the reason why Pekin duck is the preferred duck meat in Australia.

Identify the two civilisations that farmed Mallard ducks.

Question 9
Read the following scenarios about the historical and cultural origin of some poultry dishes.
Answer the questions that follow.

Chicken Parmigiana

Identify where the ‘parmigiana' dish that many Australians know today came from.
Identify the main ingredient of the first ‘parmigiana' dish that came to Australia.
Identify the main ingredient of the original ‘parmigiana' dish identified in The Silver Spoon.
Identify when ‘chicken parmigiana' was first mentioned in Australia.

Identify the food establishment that first featured chicken parmigiana on their menu in 1980.

Identify which country the coq au vin dish originated from.

Identify when the earliest mention of the dish was.

Identify the dish parallel to coq au vin mentioned in the Cookery for English Households.

Identify the purpose of the traditional coq au vin.

Question 10
Below are examples of poultry by-products. Complete the table below by doing the following:
Identify at least one method of using each by-product
Methods you identify must be those that are safe and effective in reducing wastage and maximising profitability.
In your own words, describe how you can use each method to:
Reduce wastage of each by-product
Maximise the organisation's profit from sales
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 11
Below are examples of poultry off cuts.
Complete the table below by doing the following:
Identify at least one method of using each off cut.
Methods you identify must be those that are safe and effective in reducing wastage and maximising profitability.
In your own words, describe how you can use each method to:
Reduce wastage of each off cut
Maximise your organisation's profit from sales
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 12
Listed below are some of the preparation techniques usually used on poultry.
In your own words, describe how each technique is done.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 13
Below are the different cookery methods used on poultry meats.
In your own words, describe how each method is used on poultry meat.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Cookery Methods Description of Each Method
Deep frying      

Question 14
Access and review your organisation's procedures for the caring of knives.
Outline the steps for each of the stages of knife care below based on the procedures:

Cleaning Knives

Sharpening Knives

Maintaining Sharpness of Knives

Question 15
Complete the tables by identifying the following for each equipment:
The main function of each equipment
At least one feature of the equipment related to the identified function
At least one safety practice you must follow when using the equipment

Question 16
Read the scenarios below about the methods of plating poultry dishes.
Answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Gemma works as a cook for the La Bellissima restaurant of The Continent Hotel. She needs to plate a platter of Chicken Parmigiana to be shared among three guests. Gemma knows that a platter of chicken parmigiana will include:
Three chicken breasts on the plate
The sauce
The garnishes.
Knowing these components, Gemma must choose a plating method that:
Ensures that no items will fall around on the plate when it is being moved
Makes it easy for the waitstaff to carry the plate
Makes it easy for the three guests to each take one serving of the dish.

Identify the dish that Gemma must plate.

Identify the three requirements that Gemma must consider when choosing the plating method to use.

Identify the plating method Gemma must use to meet the requirements.
In your own words, explain why Gemma must use the identified plating method.

Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Scenario 2
It is another day at the La Bellissima restaurant. Today, a customer came in and ordered a classic Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. There are three components of the dish that Gemma must consider:
The chicken
The gravy
The mashed potatoes
Knowing these components, Gemma must choose a plating method that:
Ensures that no items will fall around on the plate when it is being moved
Makes it easy for the waitstaff to carry the plate
Makes it easy for the customer to see each component of the dish on the plate.

Identify the dish that Gemma must plate.

Identify the three requirements that Gemma must consider when choosing the plating method to use.

Identify the plating method Gemma must use to meet the requirements.

In your own words, explain why Gemma must use the identified plating method.Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Question 17
Below are the mise en place requirements you must consider when preparing poultry dishes.
In your own words, explain why each requirement must be followed when preparing poultry dishes.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 18
Answer the questions below about the appropriate environmental conditions to follow for cooking the following:
Poultry products
Poultry dishes

Poultry Products
Below are some processes involved in cooking poultry products.
In your own words, describe the appropriate environmental condition you must follow when doing each process listed.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

Poultry Dishes
In your own words, describe the appropriate environmental condition you must follow when reheating poultry dishes.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 19
Listed below are some of the processes involved when cooling poultry products and dishes.
In your own words, describe the appropriate environmental conditions that you must follow for each process listed to ensure food safety.

Question 20
Listed below are the environmental conditions you must consider when storing poultry.
In your own words, describe how the following must be stored under each condition to optimise their shelf-life:
Poultry products
Poultry dishes
Each response must be in 30 words or more.

The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a range of poultry dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select, prepare and portion poultry, and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.

Assessment Overview

Task 1: Complete place

Task 2: Prepare and Present Finished Poultry Dishes
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.

You are required to:
Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
Prepare the ingredients and equipment for at least six dishes in the workplace
Prepare two portions of at least six finished poultry dishes
Cook each dish using the appropriate cookery method
Plate and present the prepared dishes
Adjust the presentation of each dish prepared
Clean the work area after the preparation of the six finished poultry dishes

Preliminary Task

This practical assessment requires you to prepare and present at least two portions each for at least six finished poultry dishes based on their standard recipes.
Finished poultry dishes are dishes that completed the preparation process required for them. Once done, they are displayed or served directly to customers without additional processing needed.
The standard recipes will vary, but to complete this task, you must use ALL of the following at least once across the preparation of the six finished poultry dishes:
Poultry products
Feathered game
Poultry offal
Poultry preparation techniques
De boning
Wet marinating
Dry marinating

Cookery methods
Deep frying
Sous vide

Task 1: Prepare the Ingredients and Equipment for Poultry Dishes

While being observed by your assessor, prepare the ingredients and equipment required for at least six finished poultry dishes.
Ingredients you prepare must be for at least two portions of each dish.
Identify at least six finished poultry dishes that you will prepare in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Dishes identified must be those that meet the requirements outlined in the Preliminary Task.
Access and review the following:
Standard recipes for the six finished poultry dishes identified
Organisational requirements for the following:
Mise en place lists for the six finished poultry dishes based on their standard recipes
Equipment manufacturer instructions
Stock control procedures and documentation
Food disposal and storage
Organisational food safety plan
Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
Do the following for each of the six poultry dishes:
Prepare and safely assemble ALL the equipment needed for the dish based on the standard recipe
Follow the manufacturer instructions when assembling and cleaning the equipment before use.
Identify the ingredients needed to prepare the poultry dish based on the standard recipe

Calculate and select the ingredients required for each dish based on the following:
Standard recipe
Stock rotation requirements
These refer to the date codes and rotation labels on the ingredients.
Thaw the frozen poultry products to be used for the dish
Prepare the poultry using the techniques listed in the Preliminary Task at least once
Create portions of the ingredients based on the standard recipe while using equipment safely and hygienically
Clean your work area according to organisational procedures
Make sure to complete all the tasks within appropriate timeframes.
Practical knowledge of the requirements from standard recipes and mise en place list for each dish
Practical skills relevant preparing the ingredients and equipment needed for each finished poultry dish
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 1 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
Advise you on the time and location of the assessment.
Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

Task 2: Prepare and Present Finished Poultry Dishes

While being observed by your assessor, prepare and present at least two portions each for at least six finished poultry dishes.
Access and review the following:
Standard recipes of the six finished poultry dishes identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1
Organisational requirements for the following:
Equipment manufacturer instructions
Food presentation
Stock control procedures and documentation
Food disposal and storage
Organisational food safety plan
Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
Workplace document with information on the scope of your responsibility
Prepare at least two portions of each poultry dish identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1
In doing so, you must:
Follow the standard recipes to prepare each poultry dish
Use the relevant cookery method in the Preliminary Task to prepare each poultry dish
Complete at least one special customer request in any of the poultry dishes
Check the taste and texture of the dish, and adjust as needed.
Any adjustment you make must be within the scope of your responsibility.

Prepare the accompaniments of the dish, including sauces and garnishes required for each poultry dish
Carve the poultry dishes using the appropriate equipment and techniques to minimise waste.
Plate and present the poultry dishes according to their standard recipes
Make sure to check the presentation of the dish and adjust as needed.
Store each prepared poultry dish in the appropriate environmental condition Clean your work area according to organisational procedures
Make sure to complete all the tasks in this assessment within appropriate timeframes.

Practical knowledge of cookery methods, presentation requirements and storage guidelines or the prepared dishes
Practical skills relevant to preparing, plating and presenting the six finished poultry dishes

Reference no: EM133660669

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