Identify the range of stakeholders

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13225927

You are required to develop a social marketing plan for a social marketing problem and organisation of your choice. This may be an organisation that you work for or one that you know about. The main stages of the TMA are as follows:

1 Identify a speci?c social marketing problem and the behavioural change necessary to alleviate the problem. There are many examples in Block 1 in both the core text and the wraparound. You may, for example, focuson the need to increase recycling in a particular area of the country,improve the food choices of young children or increase the take-up of exercise of a neighbourhood group.

2 Identify the organisation/s responsible for marketing the behavioural change. Collect background information about the nature of theorganisation, including relevant resources and experience.

3 Develop the components of the marketing plan using the headings While the big issues are obviously important you need to/ should consider what is possible in 2,500 words indeed you might ?ndsmaller projects are more manageable in order to fully explore any issues raised.

(a) Background to the organisation and the social marketing problem

Using the information you have collected, provide a brief background to the organisation you have chosen and clearly explain the nature ofthe social marketing problem that is being addressed in the assignment.

(b) Situation analysis

(i) Collect relevant information about the external environment which impacts on the social marketing problem you are addressing. Thismight include government policy, consumption trends or previous campaigns.

Organise the information under the headings of ‘PEST' and‘competition'. Analyse the information to highlight the threats and opportunities which the organisation must address.

(ii) Organise the information you have collected earlier about the organisation under the headings of strengths/competences andweaknesses. For example - if the organisation has staff with substantial experience of dealing with social marketing problems, this would be astrength.

(c) Stakeholder analysis

Identify the range of stakeholders who will have an interest in thesocial marketing problem that you have highlighted. You might ?nd it useful to use Mendelow's matrix to analyse and categorise theinformation.

(d) Market segmentation and targeting
In this section there are two key issues.

(i) First, identify the target market for the planned behavioural change. Be clear about the segmentation criteria which you will use and alsothat you have considered the criteria for effective segmentation.

(ii) Second, identify any upstream organisations (or individuals) for example policy makers or service organisations who/which you also need to target.

(e) Marketing objectives

Establish objectives for what you will try to achieve by your marketing activities/intervention. These should relate to the above target groupsand be speci?c about the nature of change which you hope to achieve.

(f) Marketing mix/relationship marketing plans

In this section describe the marketing mix/relationship marketingactivities which you will develop in order to achieve the objectivesabove. This will require different plans for each of the target markets described in Part D.

(g) Implementation

Brie?y indicate any implementation issues, e.g. with respect to resource availability.

(h) Evaluation

Finally, outline how you would evaluate the intervention postimplementation. Highlight any problems that you may expect to have to deal with.

Attachment:- Block.rar

Reference no: EM13225927

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