Identify the purpose of your communication

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328089

I need help with the following two bullet points on a communication plan for Proctor and Gamble. Can anyone help?

Identify the purpose of your communication
Identify your audience

Reference no: EM1328089

Questions Cloud

Explain the concept of core values : Explain the concept of core values and include an example.
Prepare a complete risk mitigation and management plan : Prepare a complete Risk Mitigation and Management Plan (RMMM) for his/her projects including a Task Network which clearly shows the tasks and dependencies in a diagrammatic form.
Legal issues and employment performance scenario : What mistakes, if any, has David made in his appraisal activities? Is there the possibility of a legal challenge if he chooses to demote Jack? Melony? On what basis?
Hhf employees to recognize and avoid malware treats : give screenshots and an explanation of your results when you download, install, and run a security program such as Spybot - S&D.
Identify the purpose of your communication : Identify the purpose of your communication.
Explian about rick auto enterprises : Rick Auto Enterprises (RAE): Project Planning, Execution and Closure - What are the risks involved? What are the questions we need to ask and what are the answers we can expect
Explain answer to commerce clause : Explain answer to Commerce Clause and explain how the Commerce Clause affects American business
Computing present value of future cash flow : Find out the present value of following future amounts? $800 to be received 10 years from now discounted back to the present at 10 percent
Explaining strategy and structure-strategic implementation : What is the relationship between strategy and structure within the context of strategic implementation? What is a simple structure?


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