Reference no: EM133831425
Assignment: Nursing
To do:
Review Wilensky, S. E., & Teitelbaum, J. B. (2023). Essentials of health policy and law (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 14: The Art of Structuring and Writing a Health Policy Analysis
Create a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem. Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment:
Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community and create a PowerPoint Presentation with a total of 7 to 15 slides (excluding title and reference slides): slides must be professional in appearance and must be tone and balanced spatially including words and graphics.
Use the Notes Page view feature in PowerPoint to include speaker notes.Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed):
I. Title Slide
II. Introduction (1 slide): Identify the purpose of the presentation.
III. Problem Statement (1 slide): Define the problem you will address in your analysis in a succinct, 1-2 sentence statement. Write the problem statement in the form of a question. You may reuse the problem you identified for this week's collaboration café.
IV. Background (1-3 slides): Provide factual information to define the problem. Include general information about the topic. Describe why the topic is important. Explain why the topic needs to be addressed now. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. You may reuse the information you wrote for this collaboration café.
V. Landscape (1-3 slides): Identify relevant stakeholders. Explain stakeholder concerns related to the problem. Identify key factors that must be considered when analyzing the problem. Discuss the relevance of each key factor. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source.
VI. Options (1-3 slides): Identify at least three evidence-based options to address the problem. Discuss the pros and cons of each option. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Recommendation (1-3 slides): Identify the best option to address the problem. Explain why your recommendation is the best choice. Discuss mitigating strategies for any cons identified for the selected option. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Get the instant assignment help.
VII. Conclusion (1 slide): Provide a summary points of presentation.
VIII. References: Provide complete reference in APA format, may use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.