Identify the problem that you will target

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Reference no: EM133524807

Jake Levy

Jake and Sheri live with their sons, Myles (10) and Levi (8), in a two-bedroom condominium in a middle-class neighborhood. Jake is an Iraq War veteran and is employed as a human resources assistant for the military, and Sheri is a special education teacher in a local elementary school. Overall, Jake is physically fit, but an injury he sustained in combat sometimes limits his ability to use his left hand. Sheri is in good physical condition and has recently found out that she is pregnant with their third child.

As teenagers, Jake and Sheri used marijuana and drank. Neither uses marijuana now but they still drink. Sheri drinks socially and has one or two drinks over the weekend. Jake reports he has four to five drinks in the evenings during the week and eight to ten drinks on Saturdays and Sundays. Neither report having criminal histories.

Jake and Sheri identify as Jewish and attend a local synagogue on major holidays. Jake's parents are deceased, and he has a sister who lives outside London. He and his sister are not very close but do talk twice a year. Sheri is an only child, and her mother lives in the area but offers little support. Her mother never approved of Sheri marrying Jake and thinks Sheri needs to deal with their problems on her own. The couple has some friends, but due to Jake's recent behaviors, they have slowly isolated themselves.


A proposal/research plan for single-subject evaluation for your work with your chosen client (Jake Levy). Identify the problem that you will target, the outcomes that you will measure, the evidence-based intervention, and the evaluation design. Include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Setting and Intervention
  • Expected Results

Use the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to support your paper. Please, include appropriate citations and a reference list for further studies.

Reference no: EM133524807

Questions Cloud

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Identify the problem that you will target : Identify the problem that you will target, the outcomes that you will measure, the evidence-based intervention, and the evaluation design
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Discuss the specific role-mission of that fusion center : Is there any way that this could be made even better/stronger? DIscuss in depth the specific role/mission of that Fusion Center (NORTH CAROLINA).


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