Identify the primary financial risks

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Reference no: EM132297645

Derivatives and Risk Management

Research Project

Assume that your team has recently been appointed as the "Financial Risk Management" team of your organisation. For this purpose, select a company of your choice (please sign up to a group/company on Canvas) and assess how well the company manages its risk by addressing the following issues. Your team has been requested to prepare a report to present to the board.

Section I

(a) Identify the primary financial risks (please limit the financial risks to what is taught in this unit) your company is exposed to. For this purpose you need to consider the income statement and balance sheet of the company. In this section, you MUST discuss the outlook for each variable, and identify whether it will present a risk to the firm. You need to provide adequate justification for your responses.

N.B: Please note that you can discuss risks that are not taught in this unit, however, you need to follow through with hedging recommendations. If any of these explanations/analyses are incorrect you will be penalised.

Section II

(b) Make firm recommendations on whether to hedge all, part or none of the financial risk exposures that you identified in part (a) above. You MUST provide some explanation for each of your recommendations. You need to explain the reasons for suggesting this strategy. (You are not required to specify the type of derivative to be used to hedge in response to this question).

(c) To make recommendations on which derivative instruments (for example, options, futures etc.) to use to implement any hedges that you have recommended in part (b) above. Once again, you MUST explain your recommendations. This means that you will need to provide very well researched and fully explained reasons for your responses to part (b). However, it is advised that you make at least some hedge recommendations to make responses to parts (c) and (d) more meaningful]. You are NOT required to propose details of how to implement your hedge recommendations in this part - this is to be done in part (d).

Section III

(d) To propose, in accordance with each of your recommendations in (c) above, specific hedging strategies which require you to describe the following:
i. the exposures to be hedged,
ii. what percentage proportion of the exposure is to be hedged,
iii. which derivative(s) are to be used to hedge each exposure,

iv. the number of derivative contracts for each hedge,
v. the delivery months for each derivative, and
vi. the prices at the time of making the recommendation - futures prices, option strike prices, total premium costs (including an explanation of the choice of strike price(s)) (you will need to research this- use actual data).
It is best to limit your hedging strategies to what is taught in this unit. You may explain other strategies that are not taught in this unit. However, any incorrect explanations would be penalised.
For part (d) you may assume a hedge horizon 6 months and that you can use futures and options with the relevant expiration date for hedging.

Also, in part (d) if you recommend option strategies you may also wish to consider strategies that require the ‘purchase and sale' of two different options (e.g. an option spread or combination strategy) to reduce the cost of the option strategy.

In this section you MUST show all calculations and include your responses in a table format.

Reference no: EM132297645

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5/1/2019 11:47:47 PM

Structure, presentation and attention to detail (5%) – Should include the following structure: Executive Summary, Introduction (brief), body (where you will answer parts to the assignment), conclusion (brief), References, Appendices (optional) Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to the assigned task including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices Grammar and expression (5%) Uses sophisticated, expressive and appropriate business language that skilfully communicates meaning to readers eloquently and is grammatically error free


5/1/2019 11:47:42 PM

Content (75%) – Relates to sections I- III including recommendations. Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the assignment topic, conveying the writer's understanding, and shaping the whole assignment Sources and evidence (10%) Demonstrates skilful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing


5/1/2019 11:47:37 PM

Performance Indicators CRITERIA EXCEEDS STANDARD High Distinction (HD)/80- 100 Excellent/exemplary/exceed ing high standard Outstanding, insightful work. Goes beyond requirements of the task to develop a response, which is thoughtful, reflective, and considers alternative views and makes connections among ideas and information from different sources or from different aspects of the course. Context of and purpose for writing (5%) - Introduction Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose of the assignment. Submission is responsive to the assigned task(s) and comprehensively and competently covers all elements


5/1/2019 11:47:27 PM

5. Your submission is to take the form of a research report. It should be concise, spell-checked for obvious errors, edited, professional and be clearly expressed. The assignment should include the following sections: Executive Summary, Introduction (brief), body (where you will answer parts to the assignment), conclusion (brief), References, Appendices (optional) 6. The assignment should be a total of 2500 words, excluding the executive summary, references and appendices. 7. You must do this assignment in groups of 3 (groups of 4 will not be permitted under ANY circumstances). 8. If you have any problems with members in the group, you must let your lecturer know by week 8, if not all members will receive the same mark for the assignment.


5/1/2019 11:47:18 PM

Submission Requirements 1. You MUST submit the assignment via Canvas. Check the draft in the “draft submission” link before doing the final submission. Only one student must submit the final assignment. 2. Please retain a copy of your work. 3. An assignment cover sheet must be attached to your submission (see blackboard for assignment cover sheet). 4. Please see marking rubric on pp 4 - 5.


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2. The price data you use in your assignment will depend on the prices on the date that you access the data. That is, assignments submitted by different groups will most likely have different prices. 3. It is your task to research the necessary futures and options contracts and the contract specifications in order to implement your proposed hedge strategies. Assistance will only be provided if it is clear that you have made a substantive research effort. 4. Students within the group should collaborate in working on the assignment as sections are interlinked. 5. There are no definitive answers for this assignment. Your submission will be evaluated based on the clarity of your report and the quality of your arguments as responses to the requirements.


5/1/2019 11:47:05 PM

Written report (15 marks): Breakdown of assignment marks – Refer assignment rubric on page 4 Context and purpose of writing - Introduction = 5% Content (Relates to sections I- III including recommendations) = (25 + 25 + 25 = 75%) Sources and evidence = 10% Structure, presentation and attention to detail = 5% Grammar and expression = 5%

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