Identify the potential target market

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133179671

On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to

1. Define the business plan in terms of a product/service description,

2. Identify the potential target market,

3. Identify the benefits of the product/service, and

4. Create a concept statement and survey three peers on the business idea.

Brief Description

The purpose of the first assignment is to provide you with a vehicle to explore possible business ideas and to select a business to develop through the course. This will be the first step toward building a comprehensive business plan that you could use in starting your business.

Reference no: EM133179671

Questions Cloud

Affect strategic planning : What benefit could you see for its use within your organization? How would it affect strategic planning? What world events might impact the PESTEL?
Project work-what when and how much : Consider a notable example of a project in your work or personal life that failed specifically because the initial scope, schedule,
Identify new strategy dominos : Identify a new strategy Domino's should pursue and why, include some discussion of how you would implement it.
Controversial employment law issue : "Controversial" in this sense means a law or policy that lacks consensus in the employment world regarding overall propriety, application,
Identify the potential target market : Define the business plan in terms of a product/service description, Identify the potential target market, Identify the benefits of the product/service,
Actions struck you as being consistent with theory : Discuss a leader you've worked with whose actions struck you as being consistent with Theory X. Concept Y? Be specific while describing their traits.
English rule and american rule : Discusses the purposes of ADR, the nature of conflict, and the parties thereto. Between the "English Rule" and the "American Rule",
Explain how bezos amazon may break even : Explain how Bezos's "Amazon may break even or even lose money on the sale of its devices" strategy shows Bezos as a systematic and intuitive thinker.
Workforce scheduling : Describe workforce scheduling, blending, and logistics problems facing your current organization or industry.


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