Identify the phases of a project life cycle

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132311040 , Length: 1800 Words

Purpose of the assessment

Develop skills in selection and initiation of projects

• Identify the phases of a project life cycle
• Define the scope of a project and identify means of controlling changes to the scope.
• Develop skills in project planning activities that accurately estimate project timeline, cost, and quality.
• Demonstrate effective project execution and monitoring techniques that lead to successful projects.
• Develop skills in implementing processes for successful resource, communication, risks, stakeholders and change management
• Develop team management skills by work as team member and leader toproduce a project plan
• Conduct project closure activities
• Develop project presentation skills

Purpose of the assessment:

The purpose of this major project assignment is to develop a well-researched project planning document based on the overall parameters of a project and establish the appropriate project management and quality environment required to complete the chosen project. Finally analyze project issues, conduct post-project review (i.e., lessons learned) and make recommendations for improvements for future projects.

In this assessment task, you will present a proposal for the major project assignment as a group of 3-4 people. Proposal template is available in Moodle. You will choose the project from the networking or telecommunication area. The project duration should not be less than 6 Months. Having obtained approval for the proposed project from your lab tutor, your group is required to address all the stages of the project as outlined in the Project Management unit. The use of suitable project management software (e.g., MS Project 2010) is mandatory.

Assignment Description

The major group project assignment should include various phases of a project life cycle, such as initiating, planning, executing and closing a project. Project Management Plan helps the management team to maintain a constant focus towards delivering the major project in accordance with the customers' needs, wants, and expectations. The development of such a plan is comprised of the business case (refined from the Charter), project objectives and goals, success criteria, scope, high level schedule, stakeholder accountabilities, the communication plan, benefits and costs, governance and resourcing, the management approaches and a high level risk plan. These documents ensure a consistent understanding of the project, help to set expectations, and identify resources necessary to move the project to the next level of detailed planning. Major project must be delivered in a manner that captures the user's trust and confidence in the chosen projects ability to effectively and efficiently deliver quality services/products. In order to insure major project success, it is imperative that good project management principles are used early in the planning stage of a project. As the major project becomes more defined, the Project Management Plan will become the tool by which the project will be effectivelymanaged.

Students should include all aspects of the project as if they were the Project Manager and it is a requirement of the subject that they include the use of software (Microsoft Project). Students are expected to show evidence of reading and research using credible resources including, but not confined to their prescribed text. The assignment will be marked on the basis of depth of analysis, research, properly referenced and synthesized of a suitable and well argued response. Failure to complete and submit the assessment by the due time and date without prior approval will result in a fail for the subject.

Assessment will be on the basis of the realistic nature of the project and how well it is presented. You should present the final document in a form that would be consistent with the details of your chosen project, and written in Business English in a report format. Make sure that the timeline, the budget and the quality of the work is realistic, justifiable and sufficiently attractive to win a tender for a real project.


You will form a team of 3-4 people and work co-operatively to complete the chosen project. Your major group project report must consist of at least the following:

• A clear outline of the project including title, start and end date, goals and objectives, etc.

• Gather project requirements (both functional and non-functional)

• The envisaged project team members (title, skills/expertise, notnames!)

• Develop project plan

o Determine project scope
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

o Estimate time for your project
o Determine resource needs for your project
o Draw a Gantt Chart and Network Diagram for your project
o Estimate cost for your project
o Plan Quality for your project
o Stakeholder analysis for your project
o Plan communications for your project
o Plan project risks management
o Plan project deployment
• Use of Microsoft Project to complete WBS, allocate time and resources, apply cost, and prepare Gantt chart and Network Diagram.

• Project Signoff (page)

• Post project review and recommendations

Attachment:- Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM132311040

Questions Cloud

You think of as agents of socialization : What toys did you have as a child that you think of as agents of socialization? How did you use toys to understand relationships, or prepare for new ones?
Which is the industrial award which regulates : Please research and identify, which is the industrial award which regulates the hours and the condition of work for the hospitality industry?
Restaurant runs smoothly : What actions could you take so the restaurant runs smoothly, and service is not compromised?
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Identify the phases of a project life cycle : PMIT - Project Management - Define the scope of a project and identify means of controlling changes to the scope - Develop skills in project planning activities
Compare absolutist and relativist definitions of deviance : Compare and contrast absolutist and relativist definitions of deviance and provide examples of deviance which illustrate the differences between definitions.
Keeping up with industry trends and information : As a manager keeping up with industry trends and information is vital. What are three sources of information you could use to stay up to date with industry
Apply the principles stated in working today : Vancity is a very successful organization as defined by a number of business criteria. Apply the principles stated in "Working Today" pp
What laws govern property ownership in Australia : Derek has purchased a property in Australia and need advice. What laws govern property ownership in Australia? Do I get any paperwork to prove I'm the owner



5/24/2019 12:47:01 AM

Project Deployment Detailed description of project deployment plan 5 Project signoff, project review and recommendations Project signoff letter, post-project review and recommendations 3 Reference and appendices APA 3 Total 50


5/24/2019 12:46:55 AM

Project stakeholders, communications and risk management plan, responsibility matrix Responding to the required task such as stakeholders analysis, communication matrix, risk matrix, and so on. 10 An effective use of MS Project software The demonstration of scheduling, resourcing, and costing of different activities and tasks using an effective use of MS Project software (Clear knowledge and understanding). Required charts/graphs (Gantt chart, Network diagram, etc.) are extracted from MS Project software. 10


5/24/2019 12:46:54 AM

Project stakeholders, communications and risk management plan, responsibility matrix Responding to the required task such as stakeholders analysis, communication matrix, risk matrix, and so on. 10 An effective use of MS Project software The demonstration of scheduling, resourcing, and costing of different activities and tasks using an effective use of MS Project software (Clear knowledge and understanding). Required charts/graphs (Gantt chart, Network diagram, etc.) are extracted from MS Project software. 10


5/24/2019 12:46:48 AM

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Executive summary, introduction, logical structure and conclusion Executive summary, table of contents, introduction, logical flow of information and conclusion for the major project. The project should reflect a meaningful project title and a reasonable time period of between 6 months and/or over, as requested. 7 Project constraints and project requirements. Well focused project Scope, WBS, estimation of Time, Cost, Quality, and understood key stakeholder s’ roles and responsibilities including project team based on the major group project. List of functional and non-functional requirements. 12

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