Identify the payback period for each option

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131404560

A pub management company acquired a derelict public house when they took over a rival business. They want to renovate it as either a cafe bar offering a wide range of drinks or a family pub concentrating on food. The cost of fitting it out as a cafe bar is £200,000, the cost of making it into a family pub is £300,000. The income anticipated from each of these options (in £000s) is:


The company believes in theme pubs and refits all its sites after six years. They do not expect any of the fixtures and fittings to have a disposal value.

(a) Identify the payback period for each option.

(b) Calculate the net present value of each options using a discount rate of 12%.

Reference no: EM131404560

Questions Cloud

Determine the payback period for each site : Using a discount rate of 8% calculate the net present value for each site.
Sketch a scatterplot with an outlier : Sketch a scatterplot with an outlier that would inflate the correlation between the two variables. Sketch a scatterplot with an outlier that would deflate the correlation between the two variables.
Find the confidence interval for the expected value of y : Using a significance level of 5%, test whether the two regressors Saturation and Transisomers have the same effect on the response. Find the 95% confidence interval for the expected value of Y corresponding to X1 = 30 and X2 = 15
What would you suggest as a name for the entire procedure : Suppose the statistics community is having a contest to rename regression to something more descriptive of what it actually does. What would you suggest as a name for the entire procedure? As a name for the regression line?
Identify the payback period for each option : Calculate the net present value of each options using a discount rate of 12%.
How you use your scatterplot to help you make prediction : What other variables, aside from her mother's height, might be useful for improving your prediction? How could you use these variables in conjunction with the mother's height?
What is an example of two variables that have no association : Explain what it means when two variables have a negative association. What is an example of two variables that would have no association?
Determine the net present value for this project : Find the net present value using a discount rate of 10% and by comparing this figure to your answer to (a) estimate the internal rate of return for the project.
Discuss impact of sample size on given parametric values : Every population has a parametric mean (µ) and parametric standard deviation (s). Briefly discuss the impact of sample size on these parametric values.


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