Identify the pattern of organization used by the author

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133497472

Problem I. State the author's thesis in your own words. Is it an example of an explicit or implicit thesis?

Problem II. Is the essay formal or informal? How do you know? Provide at least 2 examples from the essay.

Problem III. Identify the Pattern(s) of Organization used by the author.

Problem IV. Identify the Method(s) of Development used in the essay, and explain how the author uses each to advance their argument.

Problem V. Identify two stylistic devices (e.g, metaphor, simile, rhetorical question, etc) from the essay and explain the contribution of the device to the impact of the essay.

Problem VI. Give two specific examples of the author's use of diction (word choice) and explain what makes each effective. Avoid quoting a whole sentence without identifying (underlining, highlighting) a specific word or phrase as the effective diction

Problem VII. Identify the tone evoked by one of your selected examples (word or words you identified in VI).

Reference no: EM133497472

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