Identify the patient medical diagnosis

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Reference no: EM132341592

Assignment -

Instructions: Using the Care Map Template create a plan of care map of a select patient. Also please review the rubric. No need to put patient demographic. Students' name must be on the care map and the write up of the questions. Patient has syncope.

Steps in care mapping (each section shall include the complete and accurate patient information):

1. Identify the patient's medical diagnosis, problem, or reason for seeking health/medical care.

Medical Diagnosis A description of the problem or reason for seeking care.

This portion should include:

  • pathophysiology-include a description of what the disease process is, who does it affect and when, where does it affect them and why it affects them (risk factors)
  • signs and symptoms of the disease/disorder
  • how the disease/disorder is diagnosed
  • and typical treatment (medical and surgical)

2. Nursing Assessment. This is the patient assessment by the student nurse and it comes from a variety of sources:

History and Physical Assessment Findings:

History: Genitourinary:

Neuro/Sensory/Mental Status: Gastrointestinal:

HEENT: Integumentary:

Cardiac: Musculoskeletal:

Respiratory: Reproductive:


Physical assessment should involve inspection, auscultation, palpation & percussion.

Laboratory and diagnostic tests -

Pharmacologic therapies in a table: (Medication name, individualized indications, dose, route, frequency, time, top three side effects pertinent to the medication, contraindications, if any)

3. Assessment Analysis- Analyze the data gathered (learned in NSG 110):

  • Cluster the data into patterns and identify the Gordon's Functional Health Patterns. Indicate whether the pattern is functional or dysfunctional.
  • Determine Associate Nursing Diagnoses based upon the Selected Gordon's Patterns

4. Identify nursing diagnoses (problems that represent the patient's responses to the medical diagnosis).

  • Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA)
  • Related to (what factors are causing the problem)
  • As evidenced by(assessment findings- the evidence that a problem is occurring)

Reminder to review the parts of a Problem-Oriented diagnosis, a Risk diagnosis, and a Health Promotion diagnosis.

5. Select the Priority Problems in each Category: Physiological, Psychosocial and Educational needs (only NSG 315 and NSG 430)

6. Develop plans of carein the appropriate template to alleviate the problems Each plan must have the following:

a. an appropriate nursing diagnosis,

b. patient-centered goal statement,

c. Patient-centered SMART outcomes,

d. evidence-based interventions,

e. and evaluation criteria.

Reminder about steps in the nursing process as learned in NSG 110:

  • Goals are broad, measurable, patient-centered statement.
  • Outcomes are specific, measurable, realistic and concise steps that the patient must accomplish to achieve the general goal. Outcomes should flow from the nursing diagnosis. The student should aim to alleviate the problems identified in the "As Evidenced By" portion of the nursing diagnosis.
  • Each Nursing Intervention shall include evidence-based rationale with citation in APA format. Interventions should be individualized to the patient's needs to resolve the problem.
  • Patient education and discharge planning should be included in the interventions.
  • Evaluation criteria should state whether the outcomes are met. If outcomes have not been met, how are you going to revise the plan of care?

7. Answer the questions at the end of the care map template.

Write about what you just did and how you thought about it. Each Gordon's Functional Pattern set shall be a paragraph. Describe the thinking you did to develop the associated nursing diagnoses for that data cluster set. Then, move on to the next data cluster and make that a new paragraph. Don't assume your instructor knows anything about your thought process, because they don't. Show your instructor how you are thinking! How to begin................

On a separate page: Name and date; Include ALL of the questions with the Answers of the questions:

1. In separate paragraphs, explain the data clusters and which Gordon's pattern is represented by each data cluster. Which Gordon's Patterns are Functional or Dysfunctional? (Take each of the data clusters and discuss how they helped.)

2. Using Gordon's as a guide, explain which nursing diagnoses are identified for this client? (Separate each Gordon's pattern into a paragraph).

3. List the identified nursing diagnoses in priority order in the:

"Problem"Related to "_____ " Evidenced by "____" format.

4. Which nursing diagnosis is most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

5. Which nursing diagnosis is second most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

6. Which nursing diagnosis is least important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

7. Describe the evaluation of the client for each nursing diagnosis?

Also the patient has a secondary medical diagnosis of hypoglycemia.

Attachment:- Care Map Assignment & Template File.rar

Reference no: EM132341592

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7/18/2019 10:23:43 PM

Using the Care Map Template create a plan of care map of a select patient. ALSO PLEASE REVIEW THE RUBRIC. Answer the questions at the end of the care map template using appropriate grammar, spelling, syntax. Additional instructions for writing the paper are on the template. Conducts and describes thorough history and physical. 90-100% components complete and individualized to patient. (10 pts) Prepares a complete and accurate table of pharmacologic interventions. Indications are individualized for the patient. (10 pts) All data organized and clustered to represent 90-100% of Gordon's functional patterns; associated NDx identified reflect understanding of client problems. (5 pts) 4 (four) or more NDx listed based upon analysis of the data; includes at least 1 actual physiological, 1 psychosocial, and 1 educational NDx; All parts of the NDx statements reflect correct formatting; All identified nursing diagnoses listed from highest priority to lowest priority (discussed). (10 pts).


7/18/2019 10:23:37 PM

Provides detailed and insightful explanation of all components of care planning process; Questions head each section; Diagrams are easily understood and support. Care plan individualized for the patient. (10 pts) Priority physiological NDx correctly identified. All components of nursing process present on the care map with complete and accurate information. 3 or more expected outcomes showing goal achievement 5 or more individualized interventions selected. (20 pts) Priority psychosocial NDx correctly identified. All components of nursing process present on the care map with complete and accurate information. 3 or more expected outcomes showing goal achievement; 5 or more individualized interventions selected. (20pts)


7/18/2019 10:23:31 PM

Priority educational NDx correctly identified. All components of nursing process present on the care map with complete and accurate information. 3 or more expected outcomes showing goal achievement; 5 or more individualized interventions selected. (20pts) Patient-centered care map developed. All components of nursing process are identified and incorporated into the care map. Data clusters reveal Patterns of function or dysfunction (labeled). Relationships between concepts clearly indicated to include influences, results, and how each step of the nursing process affects the others. Demonstrates critical thinking leading to the identification of the priority NDx. (10pts) Communicates knowledge in a manner that is concise, balanced, and logically organized; Demonstrates professional writing and communication skills to explain planning of care; applies APA style and formatting for references and citations with no errors. (5 pts)

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