Reference no: EM133113630 , Length: word count:1200
Assignment details
Step 1: Select an innovation of palliative care to focus on
Start with a general search of 'innovations in palliative care' in your preferred search engine, and then read through the results to gain a broad idea of potential topics.
Step 2: Start your literature search
Once you have defined your chosen topic, read through the marking guide for this assignment to see the specific points that you are expected to cover in your reflective essay.
Look through your search results and gain an idea of whether there is enough current and peer-reviewed literature for you to use in addressing your chosen innovation in palliative care and the topics raised in the marking guide criteria.
Step 3: Write your reflective essay
Your essay will be comprised of three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Your essay should:
- identify the palliative population who will benefit from the innovation/improvement
- explain the solutions offered by the chosen innovation/improvement
- examine any factors which have contributed to barriers in the implementation of the innovation
- validate how these innovations/improvements have impacted the palliative patient.
Step 4: Finalise, then submit your reflective essay
Proofread your reflective essay draft and confirm that you have addressed all points raised in the assignment marking guide. Follow the instructions in the Submission Details Overview to submit your essay.
Referencing and structure
- Use APA 7th edition referencing.
- Most references need to be less than five years old
Attachment:- Reflective essay.rar