Reference no: EM132198703
Choose from either the classical, biological, or psychological theories from the assigned reading, and identify the one theory with which you most closely identify (choose only one).
Explain to your colleagues why you believe this to be the better explanation for criminal behavior by including the underlying assumptions of your chosen theory and how that logically integrates into what we already know about crime.
In your reply, choose a posting from a colleague and make the opposite case supporting why the assumptions of their chosen theory may not be valid.
The point is to provide discourse about the various explanations for criminal behavior and formally exercise your skills at defending or providing critical analysis of the ideas.
The theory that I most closely identify with is choice theory. The key concept of choice theory is that one makes a rationale decision to engage in criminal activity after looking at the risks and benefits associated with such activity (Taylor, Fritsch, 2011).
While one could make an argument that environmental, mental health or substance abuse influence criminal activity, I would agree but with the argument that as a juvenile maybe age 10 or older while not an adult most have a basic understanding of acceptable behavior in society. The above listed behavior i.e. substance abuse or substance abuse that leads to criminal activity is a decision that is made.
At a basic social level, a juvenile still know it is wrong and does it anyway. The same argument can be made for a toddler who is told not to take a cookie, they know what they are told, but the reward of the cookie is greater than the associated risk, so they do it. I would argue the same concept applies to juvenile crime.
I would also add that an even more basic social and society structure of expected behavior is learned at school, church or even on the playground giving more support to the theory that choice is a key factor when it comes to criminal activity.
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