Identify the occupational hazards

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM132247758

In this assessment student is required to prepare a report not exceeding 2000 words you can choose any work place location The report should be written considering the following points.

– Identify the occupational hazards, risks related to the workplace
– Suggest control measures and precautions with related to the occupational hazards
– Identify the health and safety Standards in the workplace
– The report should be in the following format

1. Introduction
2. Occupational Health Hazards
3. Risks, control measures and precautions with related to the occupational hazards
4. Health and Safety Standards
5. Conclusion
6. References

Each student is expected to undertake the work independently. However, you can have common discussions to identify the methodology. Any references or quotations from both primary and secondary sources should be fully identified and properly acknowledged in the Harvard style. Make sure you read the marking scheme very well before you start the work, since it will guide you to the required approach to be adopted completing the assignment.


The report should normally contain an introduction and conclusion sections with appropriate sections explaining the above details.

Use Microsoft Word for word processing.

Page setup margins normal. Use A4 paper size settings and use 2.5cm margins all around, Leave the Gutter at 0 cm.

Body text is Arial 12 point, single-spaced with no paragraph spacing attached before or after. Text is left justified. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.

The pages should be numbered consecutively, starting from introduction page; however, the title page should not be numbered.

Verified Expert

In this assignment we have develop report over the health, safety and environmental management of Cromwell Hospital. The different issues regarding the occupational health hazards and risks related to the workplace has been discussed. The Control measures and precautions related to the occupational hazards has been recommended for effective solutions of the issues.

Reference no: EM132247758

Questions Cloud

Discuss the qualitative and quantitative research designs : Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the qualitative and quantitative research designs encountered so far in this course.
Center design pertinent to leadership and followership : How and to what extent is the Center’s design pertinent to leadership and followership within the Center? Why?
Mechanistic or organic organization : Based on what you learned, is this a mechanistic or an organic organization? Explain.
What concerns do you have about the claims : What concerns, if any, do you have about the claims and counsel of the nouthetic counseling movement? The response must be typed.
Identify the occupational hazards : OM1075 - Health, Safety & Environment in the workplace - Identify the occupational hazards, risks related to the workplace
What did you learn about public administration : Have any recent or past Supreme Court decisions made a significant impact on your local area or the issue you are addressing in the final project?
Implemented a process to support non-performing employees : Outline what documents would have to be developed for the organization to evidence that it has implemented a process to support non-performing employees?
Please define grow model : Please define GROW Model and provide two possible questions for each stage of the process.
How does the condition typically occur : PHT 2256 Orthopedic Conditions Project:What precautions or contraindications must the PTA be aware of during the patient's medical treatment ?



8/20/2019 1:59:39 AM

Expert has done the writing part very well. Health, Safety & Environment in the workplace part is properly reflected by the writer. I am happy to see the work is as per the guidelines. Thank you so much.


3/4/2019 10:09:01 PM

dear sir i wont to make this assignment and all information in the fill upload ... more over make the similarity less than 10% This paper contains 1 task Answer the questions / complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for achieving the learning outcome/s. This assessment is worth 50% of the module mark.


3/4/2019 10:07:47 PM

There are nominal marks allotted for the document structure and format of the report and it’s important to follow all the assessment instruction while preparing. There is no possible extension allowed beyond the due date for submissions in the blackboard Turnitin. Marking Criteria The course work will be assessed and graded on the overall report submitted and weightage is indicative to knowledge, analysis, supporting evidences, presentation of the overall piece of work. However, the more weightage of marks is allotted to the main elements of the report as mentioned above.


3/4/2019 10:07:39 PM

The number of words must be shown at the end of the work submitted. The title page and contents page will not count; neither will the list of reference at the end of the work. As an indication, word count should not exceed the specified number. Do not forget to reference your work properly; otherwise you will put yourself at the risk of “PLAGIARISM”. You are advised to different references to complete this assignment, some of which need to be books. Remember that the style of your work, and its language accuracy, are indicators of how much care you have given to the assignment, and how capable are you in expressing your thoughts in a presentable and professional way.


3/4/2019 10:07:23 PM

You are encouraged to word process your assessment, although hand written work is acceptable. You are required to word process this assessment. Yes

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