Reference no: EM132671502
1. Identify the male internal structures?
2. Identify the male external structures?
3. What is the primary role of Male reproductive system?
4. Location of sperm production?
5. What are the functions of the scrotum?
6. How many millions of sperms are produced each day?
7. Reason that the sperm are produced in millions in amount?
8. What consists each lobules of the testicles?
9. Location of sperm formation?
10. Identify the areas where the sperm passes through before it is ejaculated?7 possible answers.
11. What is located at the base of the ejaculatory ducts?
12. From your answer in the number 11, what is secreted by that structure and its purpose?
13. ____ is the sperm containing fluid and ejaculated at the climax of male sexual excitement?
14. Main functions of the urethra?
15. What happens to the penis during sexual excitement?
16. Process of the release of the sperm?
17. What is the purpose of the alkaline fluid secreted by the prostate gland?
18. What is located below the prostate gland?
19. What are the two main functions of your answer in the number 18?
20. When the sperm enters the vagina and uterus. It will meet the ovum in what part of the female internal organ?