Identify the major social and cultural systems

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Reference no: EM133305001

Role Play 1 - Sam

You are working at a secondary school as a Wellbeing Officer.

Teachers have reported that Sam, 14yo, has been missing classes, is withdrawn and reacts angrily when challenged. Sam now sits alone in class and during breaks is found sitting in the out of bounds area on his own. This is a change in behaviour as Sam previously presented as happy, engaged in the classroom and had several friends. He has not submitted any homework this year and is no longer an A+ student.

Role Play 2 -Mandy
Mandy (42 years), Sam's mum, has come to the school where you work as a Wellbeing Officer. Mandy works part-time at Coolworths (Supermarket) but cannot get more shifts. David (Sam's dad), is Mandy's husband, he does not want her to work. Sometimes they fight over money. David works long hours and is very tired when he gets home. He doesn't spend as much time with Mandy or Sam as he used to.

Role-plays 3 - Gerald
You are a Community service worker in a small community in country Victoria, where the ABC Food Processing Plant closed down ten months ago causing 400 workers to lose their jobs. There are very limited employment opportunities in the local area as all employment and industry was based around the manufacturing plant.

Gerald, 56, and wife, were both past employees of the ABC food processing Plant. He has just arrived at your organisation to access support. Gerald is convinced he will never work again. He states that he is getting increasingly bad tempered and his wife encouraged him to come today and reach out for support. Gerald admits he used to enjoy a drink after work, he is now drinking earlier in the day and finding it hard to keep motivated. He is worried about how they will keep up with their bills and both are concerned they may lose their house. He tells you that he and his wife worked at the ABC Plant in various departments. He worked in processing and packaging and his wife worked in despatch. He explains that he left school in Year 10 and migrated to Australia, where he gained employment at the ABC Plant and has worked there all of his working life. "What can he do now?" "And at his age?"

They have four children, three boys and one girl, all still live at home and going to school. Even though the Company paid some compensation, all that money has been used to pay rent, bills and other expenses like car loan etc

1.) For each client, think of 2 organisations in your area that you could, refer the clients experiencing this type of disadvantage/inequality to, for support.

The support services that you have referred sam to are

1.)after-school free tutoring sessions

2.) School Counsellor.

The support services that you have referred Mandy

1.)Counselling Services

2.) Resume-building service

The support services that you have referred Gerald -

1.) Unemployed and job-seeking people can receive support from the Job Seeker Services program.

2.)Food banks support

Look at the organisations chosen and report on how they would/ could monitor and review the effectiveness of work provided to this client.

Suggest one area of improvement -how could each organisation enhance client outcomes in this area of disadvantage. You must refer to each client specifically

Identify the major social and cultural systems and explain how they impact upon the client's circumstances and life choices/ opportunities (positively or negatively).

Sam's circumstances and the decisions he makes in his life are affected by the educational system and the economic system. Mandy's circumstances and her decisions are affected by two social and cultural systems: the economic and gender systems.

Reference no: EM133305001

Questions Cloud

Imbalance observed in planetary temperatures : Given the imbalance observed in planetary temperatures today with approximately 0.75oC warming influence on average, explain why the Arctic is now >4oC warmer.
How you might reconcile the question : How the question or controversy relates to clinical applications as a helping professional (could help clients, could harm them, among others)
Act of deviance of an interest from a personal perspective : Present/discuss any act of deviance of an interest from a personal perspective.
Public participation meeting : Conduct a public participation meeting (this can be done with friends and family) to inform the local community about the proposed project.
Identify the major social and cultural systems : Identify the major social and cultural systems and explain how they impact upon the client's circumstances and life choices/ opportunities (positively
Burning fossil fuels produces excess greenhouse gases : Burning fossil fuels produces excess greenhouse gases and leads to climate change.What are some of benefits of using offshore wind power to generate electricity
How many phonemes and graphemes are : ED 344 Brigham Young University, Idaho How many phonemes and graphemes are in the following: flower,helicopter trout, straight, stitched, freeze, sang, sample
Describe the ecosystem of forests : Briefly describe the ecosystem of forests explain at least one way that humans impact this ecosystem
Reading the nuevomejicano pioneers of the llano : The few articles we have shared with you notwithstanding, scholars have overlooked the study of the Nuevomejicano pioneers of the llano.


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