Identify the main problem to be solved in the case

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131404704 , Length: word count:2500

Marketing Engineering Individual Homework

You need to demonstrate (1) your skills in making IT-intensive marketing decisions by applying software toolkits and computer models and (2) individual analytical skills in analyzing marketing problems.  You ill write up analyses for ONE case which is also used in class discussions.  The results are posted on Canvas.  

The cases are included with the Marketing Engineering for Excel (MEXL) software package. By the default installation settings, the cases can be found in the "My Documents/My Marketing Engineering v2.0/" directory after the software is installed.  

Case - Dürr Environmental, Inc. - Air Pollution Control Systems

How to analyze the case:

The analysis should address directly and critically the issues involved by following the steps below: 

1. Identify the main problem(s) to be solved in the case. 

2. Discuss how the problems can be analyzed by decomposing them into some "small" answerable questions, and how data are obtained to answer the questions.  This is usually the "modeling" step in the analysis. 

3. Demonstrate how the software and data analysis help answer the questions. (This part can be organized around the specific questions in the cases.)

4. Discuss the advantages and limitations of the approach used both in general and specifically for the case. 

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Reference no: EM131404704

Questions Cloud

What are the indexes of its left and right children : In an array heap as implemented in this section, for the element at index 8 of the array, what are the indexes of its left and right children? What is the index of its parent? If the element is at index 23, what are the indexes of its children and..
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Write a paragraph that summarizing the problem area : Write one to two paragraphs (a) summarizing the problem area (be specific in defining the problem), (b) describing what you already know about the topic, and c) why you have chosen this topic for your literature review. The topic should apply psyc..
Draw the entire array and the contents of each index : Draw the entire array and the contents of each index. Write "X" in any index in which an element is removed and not replaced by another element. Also write the size, capacity, and load factor of the final hash table.
Identify the main problem to be solved in the case : MKT6615 Marketing Engineering Individual Homework.The analysis should address directly and critically the issues involved by following the steps below:  Identify the main problem(s) to be solved in the case
Write a method in the hashintset class called addall : Write a method in the HashIntSet class called addAll that accepts another hash set as a parameter and adds all of the elements from the other set into the current set. For example, if the set stores [-5, 1, 2, 3] and the method is passed [2, 3, 6,..
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Write a brief summary of the questionable behavior : Read the section "Course Case Study" and analyze the behavior of the counselor, as a professional, that you consider unethical or unprofessional. Write a brief summary of the questionable behavior. Substantiate the summary with reasons for your an..
Write a method in heapintpriorityqueue class called merge : Your code should not modify the queue passed in as a parameter. (Recall that objects of the same class can access each other's private fields.)



2/23/2017 6:10:36 AM

Total Word Limit 2500. Here is the requirement: The write-up. It should not exceed 10 pages, including all the supporting exhibits such as tables, diagrams, and graphs. The usual format is expected, including 1-inch margins, 11-point font, single-spaced within paragraphs, double-spaced between paragraphs, etc. Please find the attached docs for an assignment for help. Please refer PDF - MKT6615 outline (WEI Liyuan) page 8 for requirement of the assignment case name Durr.

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