Reference no: EM133742730
The background to your study is significant because it is only by researching and reviewing the published literature related to your topic that a gap in the literature is determined. Please carefully review and complete ALL parts of this assignment.
Review your Problem Statement, and identify the main assertions and keywords in your statement. You will begin learning more about what is already known about your problem in current research. When you know what has already been established in current research, it will be easier to focus your research on one main gap in the current research and refine your research questions.
To do this, you will conduct a search of current research, preferably from the last 2-3 years but no older than 5 years. Locate seven (7) current, peer-reviewed research studies on your problem/topic. If you need help identifying keywords for your study, refer to the link in your course resources called "Keyword Searching: Finding Articles on Your Topic."
Use the "Background Table for Prospectus" to analyze the references. For each study identify the following information:
What is the title of the study?
Who is/are the author(s)?
When was the article published?
Where was the article published? (List journal, doi, or weblink)
What is the methodology of the study?
Who were the participants/sample in the study?
How were the data collected?
What are the main findings of the study?
Why is this study relevant to your study?