Reference no: EM131127042
Assignment: Applying the SARA Model to Generate a Solution to a Rise in Crime
Here's What Happened . . .
Centervale has recently had several cases involving the theft of valuable recreation equipment from private homes. Some residents believe there is a correlation between these thefts and the residents of the halfway house that was recently opened in their middle-class neighborhood.
The halfway house caters to delinquent males under the age of eighteen. The halfway house is part of a federal project to handle boys leaving juvenile corrections who have prior substance abuse or other high-risk behaviors. The halfway house provides residence for and treatment to juveniles for up to one year or until they turn eighteen.
You are the sergeant of the newly formed neighborhood policing team. You are tasked with developing a plan to deal with this rash of thefts. You have to present your plan at a meeting in the Centervale community where the thefts have been occurring.
Read more about the case and the responses of various stakeholders:
• City Council Report Centervale
• Concerned Citizen Letter to Editor
• New Start Program Letter to Editor
• Crime Analysis Report
Here's What You Need to Do . . .
• Download the documents and analyze them in relation to the recent developments and recent crime issues by using the SARA model.
• Create a scripted Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides that covers the following:
a. Examine the background of the problem.
b. Identify the key stakeholders for resolving the problem.
c. Analyze the information on the basis of the SARA model.
d. Specifically address each of the following using evidence from the information pack to support your ideas:
i. Scan: Identify the actual underlying issue.
ii. Analyze: Use the information provided, analyze the problem, and answer the who, what, when, where and how about the problem.
iii. Response: Outline an action plan that partners the specific stakeholders, the community, and law enforcement. Integrate the cultural issues and past problems that resulted in the chief being replaced (from the LASA 1 report).
iv. Assess: Explain how the city will know the issue is resolved. Be specific; for example, will the issue be it eliminated, reduced, or moved?
Summarize the potential future of community policing in general and focus on a challenge that may affect this Centervale middle-class community.
• Add all additional notes in the Notes section of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
• Include an APA-formatted reference page that links back to your in-text citations and supports your recommendations. Remember, you cannot have only in-text citations or only references. You must have both because in-text citations and references link to each other.
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