Identify the key points of an article

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Reference no: EM131034055 , Length: word count:1200

Task: The assignment will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to read and identify the key points of an article in a relatively short period of time.

You will also learn how to critically compare and contrast different articles on the same topic. The content will also familiarise you with social policy, how it is developed and contested issues for policy makers. Content will be provided on how to undertake this task.

At 9.00 am on Friday, April 22nd, two articles will be released via a link on the Learning Griffith webpage. Both of the articles will discuss a relevant policy topic. Once the articles are released, you will have 1 week to complete and submit the assignment.

You will be required to undertake a "compare and contrast" exercise as a means of learning about different ways authors write about a topic relating to policy. The aim is not for you to undertake a thorough critical analysis of the two articles but rather undertake a comparison in relation to content and style.

Article One: "It would be okay if they came through the proper channels: Community perceptions and attitudes towards asylum seekers in Australia by Fiona McKay, Samantha Thomas and Susan Kneebone content/25/1/113.full.pdf+html

Article Two: 'Very Loyal' productive workers: The same people we fear as refugees by Andrea Carson very-loyal-productive-workers- the-same-people-we-fear-as- refugees-43401.

6 apa reference.

Reference no: EM131034055

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