Identify the key leadership and management behaviors

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131698376

Assignment Note:

All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.Your work with UWEAR and PALEDENIM is coming to closure. You have sent an e-mail to the client requesting feedback on any final requests before you close the project. Teresa Tramlin, the chief executive officer (CEO), has sent you the following e-mail in response:

It has been a pleasure working with you on this project. For your final deliverable, we are requesting a comprehensive change management framework that we can use to build upon as we move forward.

We realize that there is much to do to create the culture we envision and build allegiance to the merged organization. Mike and I need to fully understand our role as leaders as well as help our managers understand their role in building employee commitment.

We look forward to your recommendation regarding strategies and tactics to successfully complete the merger, navigate through change, and align personnel, culminating in an effective, successful organization.

As you reflect on this final deliverable, you realize that the new values-driven culture, including the code of conduct, represents just part of the change faced by the newly merged organization. Other areas of change include, but are not limited to, work roles, reporting structure, and key business processes.

Assignment Recommend a change strategy and process for Theresa and Mike to follow. Applying concepts from this unit and prior units in the course, create your recommendation for Theresa and Mike that addresses, but is not limited to, the following:

Overall change management model, such as Lewin, Kotter, or ADKAR

Explain the value of this model for the UWEAR-PALEDENIM scenario.

Recommend specific actions related to application of the selected model.

Managing the people side of change, including resistance

Key leadership and management behaviors for effective change

Identify topics about which you would like additional information to fully respond to the request for the change management framework.

Research peer-reviewed journals in the library to learn more about those areas.

Apply concepts from at least 2 articles that you researched to the development of your recommendation.

Reference no: EM131698376

Questions Cloud

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Identify the key leadership and management behaviors : Identify topics about which you would like additional information to fully respond to the request for the change management framework.
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