Identify the key features of the affordable care act

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131295896

Assignment: Discussion-Ethical Considerations for Healthcare Reform

In this assignment, you will explore the ethical issues present in the healthcare system.

Research the ethical issues of reforming the healthcare systems in the United States and at least one other country using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Respond to the following:

• Does the government have an ethical obligation to provide some form of healthcare for its citizens?

• Identify the key features of the Affordable Care Act in the United States as well as the key features of healthcare proposals or systems in one other country.

o In what ways do these features reflect a continuation of the existing system?

o In what ways would they represent a significant overhaul?

Write your initial response a minimum of 200-300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Wednesday, November 30, 2016, review and comment on at least two peers' responses. Cover the following items in your posts:

• Provide a statement of clarification.
• Provide a point of view with rationale.
• Challenge a point of discussion, or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.

Reference no: EM131295896

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