Reference no: EM133813664
Assignment: Trauma
There are recently a number of incidents and occurrences in our world that speak to the myriad of issues and concerns involved in cultural competence in Human Services. Your final paper asks you to select a current issue/incident and examine it through the lens of cultural competence. See below:
I. Select a case from the list below. Summarize the case.
II. Identify the issues of cultural concern inherent in the case you have selected {Bias, racism, privilege, discrimination). Be specific when identifying the cultural concerns. For example - Is biased involved? If yes, what type of bias (Religious bias, National Origin bias, gender/sexual orientation bias etc.). How is this evident in the case? Is Racism involved? - If yes, what type? (institutional, systemic etc.) Be as specific as possible and provide definitions and explanations.
III. Identify some of the known traumatic reactions and psychological dynamics at play, that must be considered when working with someone involved in an incident like the one you've selected. For example, is there a traumatic reaction expected from someone who has been a victim of systemic racism? (Be specific here as well - PTSD, struggles with ethnic identity, enormous stress reactions).
IV. Research how these difficulties play out in relationships (personal and professional), self-identity development, and social development/functioning. Using one of the models of racial identity development in chapter 9, discuss how the helping process between a client and his/her therapist could move the client through the various stages noted. How can the trauma identified effect the healing process?
V. Your Opinion - One paragraph of the paper can be dedicated to your opinion on the case with regard to the incident details, the inherent cultural issues and areas for change and development. Get the instant assignment help.
Note - Your focus in this paper are the cultural concern (s) you've identified inherent in the case you've selected and it's potential effect on development, identity, healing and social functioning (on an individual or system (family, education, criminal justice, healthcare, community, etc).
Options for Cases
1) Bracken V. Harland
2) Brown V. Lexington County
3) Hecox V. Little
4) Dion Marsh - Manchester, NJ
5) Jose Gomez - Midland, TX
6) Daniel Jenkins - Dallas Texas
7) Tyre Nichols - Memphis, Tennessee.