Identify the intention of the law or regulation

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131398332


Select a specific legal or regulatory topic relating to forensic accounting and write a research paper on the topic.

Please include the following:

1. Citation of the law or regulation.

2. Cite and discuss 4-5 instances where the law or regulation was applied in a civil or criminal case.

3. Identify the intention of the law or regulation.

4. Evaluate its effectiveness.

5. Propose possible changes to the law or regulation. Provide evidence to support your proposal.

6. View the Powerpoint "Forensic Accounting Online Investigative Tools" as a resource for the assignment.

Verified Expert

The work is in 1000 words where the focus has been on the fraud perspectives with the analysis of how to handle the different forms of the system. the work is in APA format in MS words covering the legal perspectives and the control.

Reference no: EM131398332

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