Identify the human resources needed for the project

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131463626


Using the paper started in Week One, add an additional 3 to 4 pages (1,050 to 1,400 words) describing your strategies for managing the project as follows:

• Develop a project communication plan to describe how stakeholders and managers will be kept informed regarding project progress. This will include the form of communication (status reports, meetings, etc.), frequency, and specific project milestones that will aid in determining where the implementation stands.

• Describe the various kinds of documentation that will be required to support the future system operation, including both user and technical documentation.

• Describe the Change Control Process that will be employed on the project to properly manage any disruptions to the progress of the project.

• Evaluate out-sourcing of implementation tasks, using consulting services versus performing them in-house, describing the costs, benefits, and challenges associated with each option.

Learning Teams will provide a 3- to 4-slide PowerPoint presentation to be presented to senior management to gain approval to hire/purchase additional resources for the project. Include the following:

• List implementation resources (people and hardware) identified by combining team member lists, removing duplicates, and determining which resources are most critical.

• Identify the human resources needed for the project. Assume you will need to hire people from the outside to fill these roles.

• Specify the qualifications of human resources, and prepare "help wanted" ads to appear in job hunting websites. Each team member will provide two or three ads and suggestions of websites where the ads should be posted.

• Develop criteria for evaluating applicants responding to the ads.

• Developcriteria for assessing hardware resources to be purchased in support of the implementation project.

Reference no: EM131463626

Questions Cloud

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Why would a lender offer unsecured loans : Why would a lender offer unsecured loans when it could demand collateral? How can a small-business owner or corporate manager use financial leverage to improve.
Identify the human resources needed for the project : Identify the human resources needed for the project. Assume you will need to hire people from the outside to fill these roles.
What are the primary sources of funds : How a company manages its financial and operating performance on a daily basis is very important. Margins in the restaurant business average three to five cents
To what does the term subculture refer : Which of the following is NOT an assumption on which Purnell's model is based?Which of the following are variant characteristics of culture?
Describe how crowdsourcing may affect the budget : Describe how crowdsourcing may affect the budget and timeline of a design project
Describes process of migrating existing data to the testing : Testing and Quality Assurance- Develop a data conversion plan that describes the process of migrating existing data to the testing platform.


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