Identify the governmental agency

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133499496

Construct a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation about a specific social issue, civic concern, or public policy that you believe could be improved with technology. You will research the issue and possible technological solutions and then provide a proposal for implementing a technological solution. Your presentation should include the following:

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Include a title, your name, and the course information.

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Identify the general social issue (e.g., road conditions, K-12 education, disease spread, accessibility, workplace harassment, etc.) and provide a specific example of the social issue that you are interested in. (e.g., potholes in my neighborhood, COVID spread on subways, scooters blocking wheelchair ramps, harassment of LGBT employees at your workplace, etc.).
  • Identify the technology employed currently/previously to address the issue(s) in your area. (e.g., how potholes are currently identified by phone-ins to the city, how masks are being mandated, or similar)
  • Research and share a story of similar issue(s) using social media, news outlets, and/or common search engines like Google. (e.g., another city dealing with the same issues, or another country dealing with the same issue)

Slide 3: Technological Fix

Propose the application of a specific, new technology (or novel use of an existing technology) that could improve the specific issue.

  • Explain how the technology will function.
  • Research and discuss any technological precedent for your plan. Has this or similar technology been used elsewhere? Was it successful or not?
  • Justify your proposal by explaining how the technology will improve the situation.

Slide 4: Implementation

Use research and logic to outline a plan of how the technology will be implemented:

  • Identify the governmental agency that will oversee implementation. (citizens, local government, specific bureaucratic office, etc.)
  • Provide a plan for implementation: the where and when of the implementation at least.
  • Discuss at least two logistical concerns to be considered when implementing your plan? (e.g., cost, training, supplies, fines, etc.)

Slide 5: Conclusion:

  • Conclude with a social media message or simply ad that summarizes key points from the other slides that you would use to raise support for your idea from your fellow citizens.
    • Name the issue and its specifics (location, time, etc.)
    • Identify the technology that will help the situation
    • Explain how it will help
    • Explain how the technology will be implemented and identify who will oversee the process of implementation, oversight, maintenance, etc.
  • Identify at least two social or ethical issues that could arise from using the proposed technology (cost, violation of privacy, waste generation, reticence of the populace to embrace change, etc.)

Reference no: EM133499496

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